3849 results found
Health topics
… you get a headache and how bad it is. What medicine you take when you get a headache, and how well it works. Over … headache after you drink wine or eat a certain food. It may take only a few months before you can find your headache triggers. When you find your triggers, you can take steps to avoid them. Keep to a daily routine Doing the …
Health topics
… of age or older do not need the chickenpox vaccine, and should get the MMR vaccine at 4 years of age. Yearly … older. Children receiving the vaccine for the first time should get 2 doses 4 weeks apart. School Age Children This … or does not have immunity to measles, mumps and rubella should get 2 doses of the MMR vaccine. The Men-C vaccine is …
Health topics
… taking a close look at the skin growth. The doctor may take a sample (biopsy) of the growth to test in a lab. A … treatments include cryotherapy, photodynamic therapy , and medicines that are put on the skin (topical therapies). … Tools Health Tools help you make wise health decisions or take action to improve your health. Actionsets are designed …
Health topics
… As a routine part of your prenatal visits, your doctor will take some of your blood to test. Tests may include a … that includes healthy, iron-rich foods. Some women need to take iron pills along with prenatal vitamins. Others may … As a routine part of your prenatal visits, your doctor will take some of your blood to test. Tests may include a …
Health topics
… Information Overview Regional anesthesia is the use of medicines to block pain from an area of the body such as an … be used for total joint replacements of the knee, hip, or shoulder. It may also be used during childbirth. Types of … You'll be told when to stop eating and drinking. If you take medicine, you'll be told what you can and can't take …
Health topics
… oxygen at home, it is important to learn how to use and take care of your equipment. Do not change the setting on … in advance so you don't run out. Do not drink alcohol or take drugs that relax you while using oxygen. Alcohol, … trip and fall over the cords, oxygen tubing, or canisters. Take care of your nasal cannula and skin. Use water-based …
Health topics
… "I'm too out of shape." "I'm too fat." Join a group or take a class with others who look or feel like you do. … and outdoor activities. When it's cold, hot, or humid, take precautions. "I don't have the money." Being physically … "I'm too out of shape." "I'm too fat." Join a group or take a class with others who look or feel like you do. …
Health topics
… will regrow in the transplanted hair follicle . But it may take a period of time before you can see the new hair … hair coverage you want. Healing between surgeries usually takes several months. Why It Is Done Hair transplant surgery … will regrow in the transplanted hair follicle . But it may take a period of time before you can see the new hair …
Health topics
… with other people about your loss. Acknowledge the loss. Take part in activities that acknowledge and mark a major … with other people about your loss. Acknowledge the loss. Take part in activities that acknowledge and mark a major …
Health topics
… free radicals: Through by-products of normal processes that take place in your body. Examples include burning sugars for … to break down food. When the body breaks down certain medicines. Through pollutants. Antioxidants include some … free radicals: Through by-products of normal processes that take place in your body. Examples include burning sugars for …