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Health topics
… roles in the beginning. But other members of the family can take on a role from time to time so that no one person is … left over from previous meetings. Share appreciation. Take time for family members to compliment others for things … roles in the beginning. But other members of the family can take on a role from time to time so that no one person is …
Health topics
… they are not living up to an idealized view of how they should be. Accept that your teen is not perfect and will inevitably make some mistakes. Let your teen know your love is unconditional. Help … they are not living up to an idealized view of how they should be. Accept that your teen is not perfect and will …
Health topics
… that weakens the immune system, such as HIV. Using steroid medicines, such as prednisone. Most yeast infections are … or diaphragm for birth control. The oil in some vaginal medicines weakens latex. Avoid using scented soap. When you … that weakens the immune system, such as HIV. Using steroid medicines, such as prednisone. Most yeast infections are …
Health topics
… But in many cases, doctors don't know what causes it. Some medicines can cause overactive bladder. Talk with your doctor about the medicines you're taking to find out if they could affect … medicine along with bladder training and exercises. These medicines include: Drugs that calm the bladder muscles, such …
Health topics
… pain can manage their symptoms with over-the-counter pain medicines such as acetaminophen and NSAIDs , heat or ice, … Tools Health Tools help you make wise health decisions or take action to improve your health. Actionsets are designed … in your back, neck, jaw, upper belly, or one or both shoulders or arms . Feeling dizzy or light-headed . A fast …
Health topics
… make sure that your child is growing and developing as they should. Your doctor can help you know what milestones to … Tools Health Tools help you make wise health decisions or take action to improve your health. Actionsets are designed … bedside table and other cupboards that are lower than your shoulder height. Many toddlers also like to "sweep" all the …
Health topics
… or the fields before the bell rings. During class time - Take a movement break Stretch your arms and legs while … weight up off your seat and lower yourself down slowly) Take books back to the library Go pick up notices at the … to play on the playground or fields with your friends Take the dog for a walk Take part in sports practice or game …
Health topics
… social skills Temper tantrums and crying in preschool It takes time for preschoolers to learn how to deal with their … Health Canada resources on topics like healthy living, medicines, injuries and oral health for kids.  …
Health topics
… thing you can do is be prepared. Talk to your doctor or take a class to learn how to do rescue breathing and CPR, … the chin. Tilt the chin upward to keep the airway open. Take a normal breath (not a deep one), and place your mouth … to know your child's test results and keep a list of the medicines your child takes. Where can you learn more? Go to …
Health topics
… teens grieve more like adults, but they may not want to take part in adult activities associated with loss, such as … service. Respect these feelings. Don't force your teen to take part in activities that feel uncomfortable. Help your … teens grieve more like adults, but they may not want to take part in adult activities associated with loss, such as …