3849 results found
Health topics
… meals and snacks. Remember, high-sugar foods or sweets should be eaten only sometimes and in smaller servings than … meals and snacks. Remember, high-sugar foods or sweets should be eaten only sometimes and in smaller servings than …
Health topics
… avoid illness. Feeling lonely can also make it feel hard to take care of your health, or to get help when you're having … avoid illness. Feeling lonely can also make it feel hard to take care of your health, or to get help when you're having …
Health topics
… ask good questions, refuse a drink, or learn from mistakes. How to help your child: Model positive behaviour and … a necessary part of learning and that mastery of any task takes practice. Talk to them about what they did do in order … feelings that indicate imminent failure. Teach them how to take slow deep breaths and feel the difference between …
Health topics
… Last updated August 14, 2013 Healthy babies will take what they need, as long as you respond to their feeding cues. Learn what those cues are and what action to take to ensure a good feed. Our article " How Often and How …
Health topics
… activities. For example, they can help you learn how to: Take care of your health, including a schedule for medicine. … Control bowels or bladder. Physiotherapist. A stroke often takes away a person's ability to move in certain ways. A … activities. For example, they can help you learn how to: Take care of your health, including a schedule for medicine. …
Health topics
… my job, but it can be stressful. I hold my stress in my shoulders and neck. My shoulders are always up around my ears. A lot of times, I … at the end of the day with a big headache." Jerry usually takes acetaminophen or ibuprofen when he gets a tension …
Health topics
… problems with drinking, drug use, or misusing prescription medicines. Mental health problems in the home. A household … they need. That may be a hard decision. But parents who take care of themselves will be better able to take good care of their children. Child …
Health topics
… Nutrients are found in food and help your body work as it should. Learn about carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, … can lead to high blood pressure and ways to lower your intake: Food sources of sodium Healthy eating guidelines for …
Health topics
… people with this condition. A balanced exercise program should include: Low-impact aerobic exercise, such as … people with this condition. A balanced exercise program should include: Low-impact aerobic exercise, such as …
Health topics
… of age and has a fever or shows signs of illness, they should be seen by a health care provider. For more …