3849 results found
Health topics
… Treatment for toxic shock syndrome (TSS) almost always takes place in a hospital. Treatment includes: Removing the … kidney, and lung failure. Using antibiotics and other medicines to fight the infection. Sometimes surgery is … ( necrotizing fasciitis ). How can you prevent it? You can take steps to prevent toxic shock syndrome (TSS): Keep all …
Health topics
… is always used. For example, it may occur in the arm or shoulder as a result of pushing a manual wheelchair. Muscle … worse. To recover from your chronic pain, it's important to take care of your emotional health and your physical health. Medicines for neuropathic pain. These include …
Health topics
… directed. If you have questions about this information, take it with you when you visit your doctor. How to use eyedrops or eye ointment Safety tips Take these safety precautions when you use eyedrops or eye … directed. If you have questions about this information, take it with you when you visit your doctor. How to use …
Health topics
… spine flex, bend, and twist. Degenerative disc disease can take place in one or more places along the spine. It most … degenerative disc disease is found when an X-ray is taken for another reason, such as an injury or other health … may include using ice or heat and taking over-the-counter medicines. If you develop health problems such as …
Health topics
… injury. Keloids most commonly grow on the breastbone, shoulder, upper chest and back, earlobes, and face. Keloids … It's possible to prevent a keloid from forming if you take steps to protect the skin after it is damaged. What … to work well with cryotherapy or right after surgery. Other medicines may improve keloids. These include verapamil, …
Health topics
… this technique, you feed your baby collected breast milk. Take your baby to a doctor if your baby eats very little or … this technique, you feed your baby collected breast milk. Take your baby to a doctor if your baby eats very little or …
Health topics
… intimate. Rehab centres Rehab for an SCI most often takes place in a special centre. You'll be given a plan … intimate. Rehab centres Rehab for an SCI most often takes place in a special centre. You'll be given a plan …
Health topics
… children, including names, phone numbers and addresses. You should also know everyone who might be around your toddler …
Health topics
… but it can happen to any baby in very hot weather. A baby should be dressed as an adult would be to be comfortable at … young children, heat rash can appear on the head, neck, and shoulders. The rash areas can get irritated by clothing or … but it can happen to any baby in very hot weather. A baby should be dressed as an adult would be to be comfortable at …
Health topics
… Talk to your doctor about whether your child has been or should be tested. Even if the newborn test did not show … Talk to your doctor about whether your child has been or should be tested. Even if the newborn test did not show …