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2811 results found
Health topics
… But this approval is for the safety of yourself and others. Talk with your doctor and your loved ones about … because of problems from your stroke, and you do not have other options, check with your stroke rehab centre and … But this approval is for the safety of yourself and others. Talk with your doctor and your loved ones about …
Health topics
… device (IUD), a diaphragm with spermicide, or another female barrier method. How do you get male condoms? … are sold in drugstores, family planning clinics, and many other places, including vending machines in some washrooms. … to reduce the risk of STIs even when the couple is using another method of birth control (such as pills). For the best …
Health topics
… don't know they have it until they get a back X-ray for another reason. A rare and more severe form is meningocele … may see a bulge in the skin. In many cases, there are no other symptoms. The most rare and severe form is … had one child with spina bifida are more likely to have another child with the disease. Women who are obese or who …
Health topics
… you to have weak muscles again. Researchers are studying other possible causes of post-polio syndrome. One theory is … This may cause an arm or leg to look different from your other arm or leg. Fatigue. You may find that the activities … to be weaker than normal. To make up for this weakness, other muscles have to work harder. This puts extra wear and …
Health topics
… Work that requires many hours of standing. There are two other types of skin ulcers that can happen on the lower leg … blood is moving through the lower leg. Your doctor may use other tests to check for problems related to venous skin … therapy helps your blood circulate and helps prevent other ulcers from forming. If your ulcer doesn't heal within …
Health topics
… can run in families. They may also be caused by other conditions, like obesity and diabetes. You may have … that you also take medicine. Your doctor will treat other health problems if they are causing high levels. … or not active. High triglycerides can also run in families. Other causes include certain diseases, such as …
Health topics
… blue, pale, or cold to the touch and different from the other arm or leg? This may mean that a major blood vessel … that suppress the immune system like steroids or chemotherapy, or natural health products can cause symptoms or … in your sink, you can use it to help remove dirt and other debris from the wound. Scrub gently with water, a mild …
Health topics
… diseases. They also help reduce the spread of disease to others and prevent epidemics. Most are given as shots. They … you do get it. Some immunizations are needed only one time. Others require several doses over time to help your body be … diseases. They help reduce the spread of disease to others. They are often needed for entrance into school or …
Health topics
… exercise is done. Plantar fasciitis may be mistaken for other conditions with similar symptoms, such as arthritis or … pain medicine (such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen), and other home treatment. Call your doctor if you've been … shoe inserts ( orthotics ) to cushion your heel. Switch to other activities or exercises that don't put pressure on …
Health topics
… to Call a Doctor Treatment Overview Self-Care Surgery Physiotherapy and Rehab What is an Achilles … a torn tendon. A cast, splint, brace, walking boot, or other device may also be used. These devices keep the lower … follows both of these treatments. Exercise, in either physiotherapy or a rehab program, can also be used. Health Tools …