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Health topics
… affects the end part of the colon. But it can also affect other parts. Most of the time, the disease is found soon … It is most common in male babies. And it can be linked to other medical problems that your doctor may want to check … but it tends to run in families. It may also be linked to other medical problems, such as Down syndrome and congenital …
Health topics
… the neck may cause weakness or unusual tingling affecting other parts of the body, including the legs. How is it … often are recommended before further testing is done. If other conditions are suspected, or if there is no … your doctor. Your doctor may recommend that you see a physiotherapist to learn how to do exercises and protect your …
Health topics
… the hand or fingers. The shaking may increase or spread to other parts of the body over time. Essential tremor doesn't cause other health problems, but it can make work or other activities more difficult. What causes it? There is no …
Health topics
… workload. Some people need extra oxygen all the time. Others need it from time to time throughout the day or … (COPD) , acute respiratory disease syndrome (ARDS) , or other conditions. Risks In most cases, there are no risks … sure to follow safety rules. Do not smoke or vape or let others smoke or vape while you are using oxygen. Do not use …
Health topics
… be ready to respond to a loss at the same time as you or other people. Don't expect your teen to grieve on your … in activities that feel uncomfortable. Help your teen find other ways to express grief, such as a private service at … you're not able to handle the behaviour on your own. Tell other significant adults in your teen's life about the …
Health topics
… of eating. It features foods eaten in Greece, Spain, and other countries that border the Mediterranean Sea. It … of oils may have a protective effect on the heart. Most other heart-healthy diets recommend getting less than 35% of … diet may improve heart health. It contains more fat than other heart-healthy diets. But the fats are mainly from …
Health topics
… small, the important thing is that you are there for each other. Why are social connections important? Resilience , … connections for support, but they also count on you. Ask others about their families, jobs, and interests, and help … or just enjoy your friends' company. Giving support to others builds the social bonds that help make you resilient. …
Health topics
… like a cold. To prevent bronchiolitis: Avoid contact with other children who have bronchiolitis or upper respiratory … . If there is an ill child in the home, separate them from other children, if possible. Put the child in a room alone … or touch an object they might touch. Do not smoke or use other tobacco products around your child. Second-hand smoke …
Health topics
… a person becomes less aware of their surroundings. Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis to treat physical or … that can help change their behaviour. A therapist (hypnotherapist) can lead the hypnosis, or the therapist can … instructions from online resources or books. The hypnotherapist's goal is not to control a person or give the …
Health topics
… chills, cool clammy skin, skin rashes, and shaking. Other symptoms may include a fever or low body temperature, … pneumococcal vaccine (to prevent pneumonia, meningitis, and other infections). If you have had one before, ask your doctor if you need another dose. Clean any wounds or scrapes. Do not smoke or use …