2811 results found
Health topics
… or raped? Yes Concerned about sexual abuse or assault of another person No Concerned about sexual abuse or assault of another person Do you have concerns about any other type of abuse? Abuse can be physical, sexual, or …
Health topics
… in the proper position. Instrumentation without fusion is another type of surgery to straighten the spine. The doctor … about your child's chances of having problems from surgery. Other problems include lost time at school or at work for … ribs may crowd together on one side and spread apart on the other side. The curve may force the spinal bones closer …
Health topics
… and see" approach to surgery because the hernia does not bother you much. This decision aid is not for parents of … and you don't have any symptoms, or if the symptoms don't bother you much, you and your doctor may simply continue to … The hernia won't heal on its own. If your hernia does not bother you, most likely you can wait to have surgery. Your …
Health topics
… weeks after treatment starts. You may need to decide which bothers you more—the side effects of the medicines or your … may increase the amount you take or may switch you to another SSRI if the first one doesn't help or if it causes … doorknob, shake hands with someone, or touch something another person may have touched, I worry about germs or dirt …
Health topics
… bowel movements. You may also start to have symptoms in other parts of your body, such as your joints, eyes, and … requires ongoing blood transfusions. Slow growth or other serious complications occur in a child. You may choose … colitis. Besides, I've had this disease for 7 years. In another year, I have to start having an annual colonoscopy to …
Health topics
… watch what you eat, take medicine every day, and watch for other health problems. Over time, diabetes can harm your … Understanding the evidence Some evidence is better than other evidence. Evidence comes from studies that look at how … are. For many reasons, some studies are more reliable than others. The better the evidence is—the higher its …
Health topics
… routine, foods, hormones, medicines, lights, odours, or other things in the environment. The most common migraine … Odours such as perfume, paint, dust, and certain flowers. Other migraine triggers include: Strong emotions, such as … routine, foods, hormones, medicines, lights, odours, or other things in the environment. The most common migraine …
Health topics
… Keep you motivated. Allow you to express your feelings with others who understand. Give you hope and the confidence to … Improve your coping skills. Teach you ways that have helped others quit for good. Decrease your feelings of isolation. … Keep you motivated. Allow you to express your feelings with others who understand. Give you hope and the confidence to …
Health topics
… Overview Dialysis removes urea and other waste products from the blood. To find out how well … is working. It's important to talk with your doctor and other care team members about how you are feeling. Related … develop our content . … Overview Dialysis removes urea and other waste products from the blood. To find out how well …
Health topics
… do you drink or use? How much? Have you heard voices that other people do not hear, or have you believed things that others do not believe to be true? Have you had any thoughts … do you drink or use? How much? Have you heard voices that other people do not hear, or have you believed things that …