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2811 results found
Health topics
… feeling or sound around your hip joint (snapping hip) may bother you or cause you to worry. But if your hip isn't … brace, cast, harness, or traction. It may also include physiotherapy and medicines. In some cases, surgery is needed. … Is the leg blue, very pale, or cold and different from the other leg? If the leg is in a cast, splint, or brace, follow …
Health topics
… type in just one eye, but over time you may get it in the other eye too. What causes it? AMD is the result of damage … doctor will ask about your symptoms, past eye problems, and other health conditions. You may have some vision tests, … AMD is a medicine that is injected into your eye. Sometimes other treatments may be recommended. Because wet AMD often …
Health topics
… After you give the glucagon shot, immediately call 9-1-1 or other emergency services. If emergency services have not … 15 minutes and the person is still unconscious, give another glucagon shot. Give glucose tablets or quick-sugar … a missed meal, and insulin injected into a blood vessel. Other causes include an illness other than diabetes, liver …
Health topics
… calcium in the blood can also lead to kidney stones and other health problems. What causes it? Hyperparathyroidism … signs that hyperparathyroidism is getting worse or causing other health problems and needs more treatment. Surgery. … watchful waiting? If so, what would be signs that I need other treatment? Is there an urgent reason for me to have …
Health topics
… soft palate (uvula). It may appear by itself or along with other birth defects of the face and skull, such as a cleft … children who have a cleft palate need more treatment for other problems, such as speech, hearing, or teeth problems; … friends and family. You can join a support group to meet others who are going through similar challenges. Related …
Health topics
… you've had a baby with craniosynostosis and are planning another pregnancy, you may want to talk to your doctor about … brain damage and can make the baby develop more slowly than other children. How is it diagnosed? You or your doctor may … your baby's head. Your child may wear a special helmet or other device after surgery. If there is pressure on the …
Health topics
… the recovery process is similar to the process after other heart surgeries. You will spend about 1 to 2 weeks in … as 1 year without a heart transplant. The person has no other serious medical conditions that would reduce life … tests. If your body rejects the heart, you will receive other drugs (such as immunosuppressants or steroids) to …
Health topics
… such as cocaine, or taking certain medicines such as chemotherapy. Being exposed to toxic metals, such as lead or … may develop heart failure. If this happens, you will feel other symptoms, including: Shortness of breath, especially … will check your legs for fluid buildup. You may also have other tests. These include: An electrocardiogram , also …
Health topics
… rare type of heart inflammation. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy. They are used to treat cancer. Carcinoid syndrome … may develop heart failure. When this happens, you may have other symptoms. These include: Shortness of breath, … will check your legs for fluid buildup. You may also have other tests. These include: An electrocardiogram , also …
Health topics
… and medical history. An X-ray of the nose may be done. If other facial injuries or fractures are suspected, a CT scan … your nose. Most broken noses do not require treatment other than controlling pain and other symptoms. Your doctor may treat a simple fracture by …