2811 results found
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… depends on how many veins are removed. After surgery, other veins in the legs will take over the work of the veins … of varicose veins for cosmetic reasons and you don't have other health problems that would make surgery more risky. … stripping to treat large varicose veins, you may have sclerotherapy or another procedure to treat smaller varicose …
Health topics
… (Concerta, Ritalin) mixed salts amphetamine (Adderall) Others atomoxetine (Strattera) clonidine guanfacine … had. Drug interactions. Sometimes one medicine may keep another medicine from working well. Or you may get a side … or pharmacist if all the medicines you take are safe. Other health problems. Before taking a medicine, be sure …
Health topics
… for parents of twins or more. Sharing your experience with other people who are in a similar situation may help you … a couple, but life will be better if you take care of each other. It's okay to feel negative about your life once in a … for parents of twins or more. Sharing your experience with other people who are in a similar situation may help you …
Health topics
… withdrawal symptoms. After withdrawal, children whose mothers used heroin during pregnancy may do well in the long term, if they were protected from other risks and raised in a positive environment. Inhalants … and a range of physical birth defects. Babies whose mothers use inhalants, or come into contact with them …
Health topics
… For many women, these feelings are temporary, but for others, negative feelings may persist or worsen. If you … treatment options available including support groups, psychotherapy, medications or a combination of treatments. Your … If you are thinking of hurting yourself, your baby, or others, contact HealthLink BC at 8-1-1 or your healthcare …
Health topics
… . A child sees adults in the home physically harming each other. Substance use problems in the home. A household … parents. Having a household member go to prison. There are other childhood experiences that can cause trauma as well. … . A child sees adults in the home physically harming each other. Substance use problems in the home. A household …
Health topics
… more optimistic, pleased with their lives, and connected to others when compared to those who reflect on daily hassles or on everyday events. footnote 1 Another study suggests that gratitude in teens is linked to … mentioned above, such as optimism and connection with others, are often found in people who are resilient. How can …
Health topics
… carefully. Pessaries can be used successfully to treat other gynecologic conditions, such as a uterus that is in … is not complete. They can be used in people who have other serious chronic health problems, such as heart or lung … carefully. Pessaries can be used successfully to treat other gynecologic conditions, such as a uterus that is in …
Health topics
… for you. Relaxing the mind Take slow, deep breaths. Or try other breathing exercises for relaxation. Stress Management: … Doing Progressive Muscle Relaxation Take a walk or do some other activity. Making time to do things you enjoy can also … for you. Relaxing the mind Take slow, deep breaths. Or try other breathing exercises for relaxation. Stress Management: …
Health topics
… for at least 6 months. Your doctor also may ask about other symptoms, like whether you: Feel restless. Feel tired. … inhibitors (SSRIs) are often tried first. But there are other medicines that your doctor may use. You may need to … for at least 6 months. Your doctor also may ask about other symptoms, like whether you: Feel restless. Feel tired. …