2811 results found
Health topics
… Information Check Your Symptoms Overview Crying lets others know when a young child is hungry, wet, tired, too … safe and cared for. But remember that there may be nothing bothering your child. As parents or caregivers respond to the young child's other signals (such as whimpering, facial expressions, and …
Health topics
… you feel better. Nausea and vomiting can be a symptom of another illness. They may be caused by: A virus, such as viral … attack, there are several areas where you may feel pain or other symptoms . Yes Symptoms of heart attack No Symptoms of … not something to worry about. But be sure to watch for other symptoms. High: 40°C (104°F) or higher, oral High …
Health topics
… to find out if you are pregnant. If you aren't pregnant, other causes of missed or irregular periods include: … periods before age 40. It can be caused by surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy to the belly or pelvis. … that suppress the immune system like steroids or chemotherapy, or natural health products can cause symptoms or …
Health topics
… to closely follow the instructions from your doctor or physiotherapist. At first, following an injury or a flare-up of … should begin as the symptoms resolve. Your doctor or physiotherapist should help you decide what exercises to do. He … probably have you start with one or two exercises and add others over time. Your physiotherapist may use biofeedback …
Health topics
… Learning biofeedback requires practice in a lab or other setting with the guidance of a trained therapist. Home … your doctor about getting a referral to a pelvic floor physiotherapist. Kegel exercises are often combined with … is not a lot of evidence for biofeedback combined with other behavioural therapies for urinary incontinence. More …
Health topics
… bruises, back sprains, turned ankles, sore joints, or any other health problem that calls for ice. A cold pack is more … display window at one end and the temperature probe at the other end. These thermometers can be used in the mouth, … take longer to get a reading. They aren't as accurate as other types. Learn more Body Temperature …
Health topics
… your heart's electrical system. Check your pacemaker or other implanted device. See if your heart can handle more … a heart attack or angina Checks how well your pacemaker or other implanted device is working Exercise EKG Checks for … include: "Why am I going to have this test?" "Are there other tests that will give the same information? Do I have a …
Health topics
… increase to 8 to 12 times. Repeat these steps with your other arm. Elbow circles slide 2 of 6 < Prev Next > … increase to 8 to 12 times. Repeat these steps with your other leg. Leg lift slide 5 of 6 < Prev Next > slide 5 … increase to 8 to 12 times. Repeat these steps with your other leg. Step up slide 6 of 6 < Prev Next > slide 6 …
Health topics
… diary. Make a blood sugar log in a notebook. You can record other information in the log or notebook, such as insulin … Try using the memory storage feature of your meter and other note-taking features. Find out if your doctor can … you stick so that you won't use some fingers more than others. If a finger gets sore, don't use it for testing for …
Health topics
… you? For some, the choice to have an abortion is clear. For others, it's more complicated. Your other options are to continue the pregnancy and either … One type is done with medicines (medical abortion). The other is a procedure (surgical abortion). The best type for …