2811 results found
Health topics
… decay is the most common reason for a tooth's extraction. Other reasons for removing a tooth include infection or … the tooth can help keep an infection from spreading to other parts of the mouth. And some teeth may be removed to … or if it doesn't come out in one piece, the dentist uses other tools to remove the rest of the tooth. After the tooth …
Health topics
… and the kidneys. It can also cause high blood pressure and other health problems. Although it isn't normal to have lead … when lead-based paint was more commonly used. Buildings in other countries that do not regulate lead levels. Children … lead at a higher rate. Their brains are developing quickly. Other things that increase risk include: Water that flows …
Health topics
… bacteria. VRE infections are more difficult to treat than other infections with enterococci, because fewer antibiotics … VRE, like many bacteria, can be spread from one person to another through casual contact or through contaminated … hands of health care workers to a patient in a hospital or other facility such as a nursing home. VRE infections are …
Health topics
… blood pressure)? Why do I need this medicine? Are there any other medicine or treatment options? Is medicine covered by … while taking it (for example, certain foods, activities, other medicines, or alcohol)? Will it interact with other medicines I am currently taking or other medical …
Health topics
… "fight or flight." When you get angry, adrenaline and other hormones are released into the bloodstream. Then your … hitting something or someone. Hostility isolates you from other people. Anger and constant hostility keep your blood … pressure high . And they increase your chances of having another health problem, such as depression , a heart attack , …
Health topics
… Tests Treatment Overview Self-Care Medicines Surgery Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Condition … such as rest and applying cold or heat. You may have physiotherapy. Your doctor may also give you a shot of steroid medicine in the shoulder if other treatments haven't worked. Health Tools Health Tools …
Health topics
… vessels. A blood clot can also travel to the brain from another location, like the heart. What are the symptoms? A TIA … severe headache that is different from past headaches. Other symptoms include sudden confusion, vision changes, … or an MRI . These tests check for damage to the brain and other diseases. Other tests are often done to find the cause …
Health topics
… talking, taking part in group activities, or being around other people. Stay active. Take a walk, go for a bike ride, or do some other physical activity together. Exercise is important for … be a word that you say or a hand signal. Agree to tell each other where you will be and what you'll be doing during the …
Health topics
… severe but almost always goes away right after you urinate. Other symptoms of BPS include: Urinating often during the … bladder. He or she may also do a urine test to rule out other problems, such as a urinary tract infection . How is … every 60 minutes. Slowly work your way up to 2½ hours. Physiotherapy. A physiotherapist can teach you exercises to relax …
Health topics
… , attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) , and other developmental disabilities often have sensory … disorder. But this disorder can also be associated with other conditions. These may include premature birth, brain … seen in people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other developmental disabilities. Most research suggests …