2811 results found
Health topics
… likes and dislikes Laugh Not want to be away from you or other caregivers Show fear (possibly by crying) if he is … during feeding time Focus when doing something, ignoring other things that are going on Look worried about loud … for certain people, objects or places Be sensitive to other children and perhaps cry if they cry React to other …
Health topics
… arthritis . Calluses and corns may also be caused by other things, including a person's activities (such as a … A wider toe box keeps the toes from pressing against each other, relieving pressure on soft corns. A deeper toe box … separators . Toe crest pads . Toe caps and toe sleeves . Other things you can try include: Reducing the size of the …
Health topics
… antibiotics to treat sinusitis. Don't take antibiotics. Try other medicines and home treatment instead. Key points to … won't help you feel better, cure your infection, or keep others from catching your infection. And if you take … with home treatment. Your symptoms are severe, or you have other problems, such as pus forming in your sinus cavities. …
Health topics
… to lower the risk of stroke and to treat anemia and other problems. Health Tools Health Tools help you make wise … S gene (sickle cell gene) from one parent and one other type of defective hemoglobin gene from the other parent. Normally, a person inherits two genes that …
Health topics
… and see" approach to surgery because the hernia doesn't bother you much. Key points to remember Hernias don't go away … and you don't have any symptoms, or if the symptoms don't bother you much, you and your doctor may simply continue to … had this weak spot since you were born, when muscle and other tissue around your umbilical cord didn't close …
Health topics
… individuals of infections or possible exposure to mpox or other communicable diseases. If you become ill If you become … please: Avoid close, intimate contact and sex with others Do not share towels, clothing, sheets or other things that have touched your skin Cover sores or …
Health topics
… insect stings? When you are stung by an insect, poisons and other toxins enter your skin. It's normal to have some … may cause: Hives . Swelling of your tongue, throat, or other body parts. Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Anaphylaxis … treatment. It causes confusion, trouble breathing, and other symptoms. How are allergies to insect stings …
Health topics
… baby's bottom. Your baby's abdomen lies against yours. Your other hand can support the breast and guide it into your … most common hold, but it does not offer as much control as other holds. The cradle hold position usually does work well … the shoulders with fingers up and supporting the head. The other hand (on the same side as the breast being used) …
Health topics
… short time and then heals itself—without any treatment. For other people, sarcoidosis may cause long-lasting damage to … some people, sarcoidosis may cause no symptoms at all. For others, it can cause a variety of symptoms depending on … sarcoidosis. By looking at the biopsy, doctors can rule out other diseases that look like sarcoidosis. How is it …
Health topics
… past. You may be more tempted to smoke when you: Are around others who are smoking. Drink alcohol. Feel angry or … Are at a party. Have easy access to cigarettes. Are there other situations that make you want to light up a cigarette? … Stay focused on quitting smoking. Don't try to achieve other goals while you are in the process of quitting. For …