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Health topics
… is caused by bacteria. Meningitis can also be caused by other organisms and some medicines, but this is rare. Most … The germs that cause it can be passed from one person to another. What are the symptoms? The most common symptoms in … awake. Seizures. Children, older adults, and people with other medical problems may have different symptoms: Babies …
Health topics
… travelling from the brain and spinal cord to the penis. Other health problems, such as low testosterone levels, … to have an erection, regardless of your age. Here are some other things you can do that may reduce your risk for … the back, legs, buttocks, groin, penis, or testicles. With other symptoms such as loss of hair, enlargement of the …
Health topics
… your hands before touching foods. Separate raw meat from other foods, and make sure meats are cooked well. … of someone who touches the food, or if the food touches other food that has germs on it, the germs can spread. Germs … trip. Bag raw meat, poultry, and fish separately from other food items. And try to go straight home after you …
Health topics
… level. Keep some glucose or sucrose tablets or solution or other quick-sugar foods with you at all times. Eat some at … copy in your wallet or purse. Be sure that your partner and others concerned know your early symptoms, including the … have diabetes and will get help for you if needed. Teach others (at work and at home) how to check your blood sugar …
Health topics
… of child abuse or elder abuse. MSBP is sometimes called other things, such as medical child abuse. Since most cases of MSBP are between a caregiver (usually a mother) and a child, this information describes that … attention not only from doctors and nurses but also from others in their community. For example, neighbours may try …
Health topics
… information and training on doing your household tasks and other activities that can be more challenging when you have … to mark electrical outlets, oven dials, thermostats, and other items so that they are easier to find and use. Paint … on a white background, when making labels, signs, and other markings. Post signs at eye level. Label any medicines …
Health topics
… breath. The flow of saliva almost stops during sleep. Many other things can cause bad breath, such as missing meals, … or eating foods with a strong odour, such as garlic. Other causes include throat or mouth infections (such as … taking certain medicines. After drinking alcohol beverages. Other causes of bad or changed breath include: Eating foods …
Health topics
… of easy access. This technique is usually combined with other techniques. Shorten each breastfeeding session before … a primary way of satisfying hunger or thirst, be ready with other foods and drinks before your child asks to breastfeed. … When weaning abruptly, choose a time when you don't expect other major changes in your or your baby's life and when you …
Health topics
… hospitals have defined times when meals are delivered. In other hospitals, you can order food at any time. Often there … sells snack items, as well as toiletries, magazines, and other small items you may want. If a visitor wants to bring … the day and night. Nurses are assisted by a variety of other health care workers, such as licensed nurses (LPNs) , …
Health topics
… primary care doctor, or family doctor, may refer you to another doctor for a problem. You may see a specialist for another health concern. You may need a surgeon. Having many … to your doctors, or if your doctors don't talk to each other, you may: Be confused about which medicines you need …