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2811 results found
Health topics
… A surgeon may use tissue from inside your nose or from another part of your body (autograft) to stitch into the hole. Other doctors may use tissue to create a flap to cover the … a doctor may insert septal "buttons" made of silicone or other materials that are cut to fit the hole. What To Expect …
Health topics
… gout can cause severe damage to joints, tendons, and other tissues. Gout is caused by too much uric acid in the … Eat low-fat dairy products. Drink plenty of water and other fluids. This can help your body get rid of uric acid. … including bacon, beef, pork, and lamb. Game meats. Any other meats or poultry in large amounts. Anchovies, …
Health topics
… Overview If you have injuries, health problems, or other reasons that may make it easy for you to fall at home, … follow the rest of the steps below: Look for a chair or other piece of furniture that is close to you. Roll onto … get up on your hands and knees, and crawl to the chair or other stable piece of furniture. Put your hands on the …
Health topics
… the base of your baby's head, neck and shoulders. Use the other hand to support your breast with the fingers … his body with your arm. Your breast is supported with your other hand. This position may be helpful if you had a … You and your baby lie on your sides facing each other. Your baby can be cradled with your arm along his …
Health topics
… overlooked. That's because the symptoms are similar to other diseases and problems that older adults may have. … have social isolation. Feelings of sadness may be linked to other life events, such as retirement, the death of a spouse … history of previous depression, an anxiety disorder , or another mental health condition. You are more likely to have …
Health topics
… eyes. A child who has been shaken or thrown may also have other signs of abuse, such as broken bones, bruises, or … can start quickly, especially in a badly injured child. Other times, it may take a few days for brain swelling to … tests such as a CT scan or an MRI to look for bleeding or other injury in the brain. Take X-rays to check for broken …
Health topics
… be controlled by medicines. But it can also be used for other conditions, such as multiple sclerosis and … in the hospital for a day or two after this surgery. The other step is to put in a small, battery-powered generator. … better, is safer, and is less harmful to brain tissue than other surgical methods. DBS of the thalamus is done to treat …
Health topics
… to legally purchase and consume alcohol and tobacco. But other drugs, including prescription drugs, illicit opioids … to use opioids to self-medicate various kinds of pain. Others use them because they trigger the reward/pleasure … good. But these drugs also have major risks. Fentanyl and other opioids are safe when they are used under medical …
Health topics
… from groups led by professionals, and from groups of others who have similar problems. If you're feeling alone, … play sports with one group of people, go to movies with another, and turn to family or friends to talk over problems. … spouse or partner and your adult children. Your parents, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, cousins, grandparents, …
Health topics
… up in the blood, liver, heart, pancreas, joints, skin, and other organs. In its early stages, hemochromatosis can cause … increased chance of having the disease, such as those with other family members who have hereditary hemochromatosis. … may be ordered if you have a close family member—parent, brother, sister, or child—with the condition. It is best to …