2811 results found
Health topics
… as harmful as smoking. The tars, carbon monoxide, and other toxic chemicals in tobacco cause the harmful effects. … You can also take varenicline for 12 more weeks than the other methods for a total of 24 weeks. There are three ways … products don't have the harmful tars, carbon monoxide, and other toxic chemicals that are in tobacco. There are several …
Health topics
… cause no problems. Trouble comes when: Cars, trucks, or other engines are left running in enclosed spaces, such as … levels of carbon monoxide can build up inside houses and other buildings. Fuel-burning heating systems and appliances … when you leave the building and worse when you return. Other people you work or live with have the same symptoms …
Health topics
… Overview If your teen is using alcohol, tobacco, or other substances, take it seriously. One of the most … at school. Loss of interest in school, sports, or other activities. Repeated health complaints, such as being … that your teen has started to experiment with alcohol or other substances, don't ignore it. It's important to talk …
Health topics
… Virology and Biotechnology in Russia. But it may also be in other labs. Some people worry that terrorists could release … is contagious. It can be passed from one person to another through coughing, sneezing, or breathing, or by … to a day. People who get this disease must stay away from others to help prevent it from spreading. If there has been …
Health topics
… to fit in and be like the kids they admire. Want to do what other kids are doing, and have what other kids have. Don't want to feel awkward or … to resist the pressure to engage in risky behaviour when other kids are doing it too. Before your kids find …
Health topics
… are narrowed, how many are narrowed, and whether you have other health problems such as diabetes. Most of the time, … surgeon connects, or grafts, a healthy blood vessel from another part of your body to the narrowed coronary artery. The … the new blood vessels used in the bypass, as well as in the other arteries. If this happens, you may choose to have …
Health topics
… of someone else? Yes Concerned about safety of self or others No Concerned about safety of self or others Do you have concerns about any other type of abuse? Abuse can be physical, sexual, or …
Health topics
… don't drive for a short time. This is to help keep you and others safe. There is a risk that you might get an ICD shock … to do when going through airport security. Talk to your other health professionals. Many medical tests and … your ICD works. To be safe: Let your doctors, dentists, and other health professionals know that you have an ICD before …
Health topics
… show a clear cause of your problems, your doctor may do other tests. How are hemorrhoids treated? For most external … may cause a little discomfort for a limited time. Other people have recurrent bouts of discomfort when … internal hemorrhoids may not grow larger if bowel habits or other factors change to lower pressure on the veins in the …
Health topics
… or medicines. It can also be caused by an infection or other health problem that starts or gets worse. Amnesia is … or taking medicines that may interact with each other. Overuse of medicines may be the single biggest cause … disorder . Drug intoxication or the effects of withdrawal. Other causes of confusion or decreased alertness can …