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2811 results found
Health topics
… same activity. The repeated activity may stress joints or other tissues and cause pain and swelling. This is called an … bursitis and tendinitis . Carpal tunnel syndrome is another example. Joint pain, stiffness, and swelling. They are … called lymphedema . Arm problems that occur as symptoms of other more serious problems, such as a heart attack, a …
Health topics
… (say "zoh-uh-NOH-sus"). Some infections can seem mild, but others can be quite serious. You can get an infection from a … while travelling that can cause rectal itching and other problems. If you are planning to travel to another country, see a doctor several months before you leave. …
Health topics
… Keep trying to get pregnant on your own, or think about other options for parenting. Key points to remember … support group before you make your decision. Talking with other people can help you feel less alone. What types of … that some infertility problems are more easily treated than others. In general, as a woman ages, especially after age …
Health topics
… pain reliever (such as acetaminophen) or if other symptoms last for more than 48 hours. Doctors usually … infection. For example, your child may be dehydrated. Has other health problems, such as cleft palate or repeat … prescribes antibiotics, you may have to wait at least another 48 hours for the medicine to take effect. Antibiotics …
Health topics
… treat symptoms for a short time before menopause. Choose another method to treat uterine fibroids, such as … also have problems with infertility, you may want to try another treatment. Key points to remember Taking … no symptoms. But fibroids can cause bad pain, bleeding, and other problems. The cause of fibroids is not known. But the …
Health topics
… may increase the risk of SIDS. If during pregnancy, the mother: Is younger than 20 years old. Smokes or vapes. Uses … it diagnosed? SIDS is named the cause of death only when no other cause is found. To find out why a baby died, medical … some things you can do to help reduce the risk of SIDS and other deaths related to sleep. Put your baby to sleep on …
Health topics
… oral cancer include using tobacco and heavy alcohol use. Other risk factors are being male and having an HPV … your jaw or tongue Numbness or pain in your tongue or other areas of your lips or mouth Swelling in your jaw that … lips, mouth, or throat to check for signs of oral cancer. Other tests may be needed if there are possible signs of …
Health topics
… Start flossing your child's teeth when the teeth touch each other. Take good care of your own teeth and gums. Saliva … these bacteria to your baby. Avoid sharing spoons and other utensils with your baby. Also, don't "clean" your … age, frequent bottle-feedings, especially with juice or other high-sugar liquids, make a child more likely to …
Health topics
… you're fully vaccinated, the vaccine does help protect others around you. This includes people who are more likely … get the virus, you could spread it to friends, family, and other people in your community who are at high risk. This … getting very sick or even dying. And you won't be keeping others safe or helping your community end the pandemic. …
Health topics
… criteria, please contact public health as there are other support programs available that might be of benefit … and/or planning for housing that meets your needs Accessing other community resources that feel right for you Finding … to have supporting you during pregnancy and as a new mother. Some people choose to invite their partner, family …