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2811 results found
Health topics
… into energy. All people pass gas, some people more than others. It is normal to pass gas from 6 to 20 times per day. … onions, peas, radishes, and raw potatoes. Beans and other legumes. Fruits such as apricots, bananas, melons, … and fatty foods. Sugar and sugar substitutes. Milk and other dairy products, especially in people who have trouble …
Health topics
… too early to start disciplinary measures such as time-outs. Other strategies can help teach your child limits, such as … Provide opportunities for your toddler to interact with others. When these interactions are positive, children learn … learn even more from what they see you do. Interacting with others in a loving, open manner and dealing with …
Health topics
… Communicate better with your doctors, nurses, and each other. In many parts of Canada, hospice care and palliative … hospital, residential care facility, hospice centre, and other places. Who provides the care? There are doctors and … may also provide some of this care. And there are many other types of experts who may help you, like social …
Health topics
… is, your age, and whether you or your partner has any other fertility problems. If you are age 35 or older, your … of the blockage. It may also depend on whether you have other fertility problems or pelvic conditions. Talk to your … Talk to your doctor about what to expect based on these and other factors. What are the risks of IVF? In vitro …
Health topics
… something to worry about. But it can lead to pneumonia or other problems in some people, especially babies. So it's … to do testing if you or your child may be likely to have other problems. The most common test uses a sample of the … , a serious but rare problem. When a person with RSV is otherwise healthy, symptoms usually get better in a week or …
Health topics
… or pushing bones out of the normal position among the other bones that make up a joint ( dislocations ). Overuse … injuries occur when too much stress is placed on a joint or other tissue. This can happen when you "overdo" an activity … for a leg injury may include rest, ice, elevation, and other first aid (such as using a brace, splint, or cast), or …
Health topics
… to correct temporomandibular disorder. Continue to use other treatments. Key points to remember Surgery for … of wearing a bite guard or mouth guard at night and trying other non-surgical measures to relax your jaw muscles. … may recommend surgery if both of the following are true: Other treatments have not worked, and your jaw pain has …
Health topics
… can spread anytime a child's head comes into contact with another child's head or hair. For example, lice can spread at … it is safe for you. Some medicines need just one treatment. Others require follow-up treatments. Do not shampoo or … should be encouraged to avoid head-to-head contact with other students until after their first treatment. Check the …
Health topics
… This type of injury can also occur during skiing and in other sports with lots of stop-and-go movements, jumping, or … that blood is flowing, the leg works well, and there are no other injuries above or below the knee. You may have some … will depend on how severe your injury is and whether other parts of your knee are injured. Mild or grade 1 …
Health topics
… football, soccer, or skiing. Or you can hurt it while doing other activities if you fall on your bent knee with your … that blood is flowing, the leg works well, and there are no other injuries above or below the knee. You may have some … will depend on how severe your injury is and whether other parts of your knee are injured. Mild or grade 1 and …