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2811 results found
Health topics
… Second-hand smoke also is a problem. Babies whose mothers breathe other people's tobacco smoke during pregnancy are more … an organ that gives the baby oxygen and nutrients from the mother and gets rid of waste.) Preterm birth. The baby is …
Health topics
… how many embryos to transfer, based on your age and other information about you. The other embryos may be frozen for future use. Why It Is Done … there is no chance the genetic test can be contaminated by other sperm. How Well It Works When done using eggs of good …
Health topics
… Do not use medicines, including antibiotics and other treatments, unless your doctor recommends them. To … dehydration, drink plenty of fluids. Choose water and other clear liquids until you feel better. You can take … safely. Bag raw meat, poultry, and fish separately from other food items. Drive home immediately after finishing …
Health topics
… the more milk you make (supply). A baby who fills up with other foods like formula will not demand enough and your … on more difficult for the baby. Nipple confusion. If other liquids such formula or water are given by bottle, … unless they can bottle feed. In fact, there are so many other ways that partners can bond with their baby and …
Health topics
… you for emotional support. If you have a family member or other loved one who has just returned home from the hospital … considerable physical limitations. So he or she may rely on others for help with relatively simple but important tasks. … or her to these follow-up appointments as well as to any other destination. Medicines. Your loved one will probably …
Health topics
… Sometimes an X-ray clearly shows a scaphoid fracture. Other times, an X-ray may not show signs of a fracture. If … be treated as if you do have a fracture. In some cases, other imaging tests such as MRIs , CT scans , and bone scans … and sometimes having surgery. Even if the first X-rays or other imaging tests do not show a fracture, your doctor …
Health topics
… from your own blood or bone marrow. Or they can come from another person. When they come from another person, it's called an allogeneic stem cell … to yours. This is more likely when the donor is your brother or sister. Most stem cells are in your bone marrow . …
Health topics
… Think About Treatment Overview When you get immunotherapy in the form of allergy shots, your allergist or … to get monthly shots for up to 3 to 5 years. footnote 1 Other ways to get this treatment are called cluster or rush immunotherapy , in which you reach the maintenance dose more …
Health topics
… eggs, honey, and gelatin (which comes from bones and other animal tissue). There are many reasons why some people choose a vegan diet. It can be healthier than other diets. Some people think it's wrong to use animals for … food. Protein isn't just found in meat. It is found in many other foods. If you are looking for vegan sources of …
Health topics
… an ultrasound to look for certain changes in your baby. Other things are considered along with the test results to … causes intellectual disability and heart defects, among other problems. This test is an option for women who are at … with certain genetic conditions. But it can't help find other birth defects, such as neural tube defects. It's not …