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Health topics
… define them as sudden, unplanned displays of anger or other emotions. During a tantrum, children often whine, cry, … may not yet have the skills to express strong emotions in other ways. For example, a temper tantrum may happen when a … like "bad girl" or "bad boy" to describe your child. Teach other ways to handle anger and frustration. For example, …
Health topics
… testing a habit. Link testing your child's blood sugar with other daily activities. For example, do it right before … bottle right away to prevent moisture from affecting the other strips. Prepare the blood sugar meter. Follow the … Use a notebook to make a blood sugar log. You can record other information, such as your child's insulin doses, …
Health topics
… if you still have one hand on your walking aid, put the other hand on the surface you are sitting on or the arm of … cane in your left hand to leave your right hand free for other things. Hold the cane close to your body so you can … lean forward to reach farther. Step past the cane with the other foot. Repeat. To go up or down a curb using a cane Try …
Health topics
… when their clothes fit just as they did before surgery. Other women feel comfortable just as they are. You can buy … woman's reconstructed breast may not look exactly like her other one. She may want to use a shell on either the … don't have nipples, so you can use a nipple cover on your other breast to create a more balanced look. Breast form …
Health topics
… downward. The front of the foot may be rotated toward the other foot. The foot may turn in, and in extreme cases, the … of the position of the baby while it is developing in the mother's womb (postural clubfoot). But more often clubfoot is … further health problems because clubfoot can be linked with other conditions such as spina bifida . For this reason, as …
Health topics
… the breast. It doesn't reduce the risk of a new cancer in another part of the body. The risk of a new cancer in the … regular follow-up is needed to watch for a new cancer in other parts of the body. Wanting their breasts to match. It … that are permanent. May mean that you need one or more other surgeries if you want breast reconstruction. Each …
Health topics
… carrier . The good copy of the gene you received from your other parent is enough to tell your body how to properly … stamina and overall health. You may also need medicines and other treatments to help you breathe easier and stay as … that this treatment is any better than avoiding smoke and other lung-damaging chemicals. The plasma is made from the …
Health topics
… reason. It isn't clear why some people get CRPS while others do not. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of complex … blotchy or shiny. Skin that may feel hotter or colder than other areas of your body. Swelling, joint stiffness, … numbness, or tingling in the painful arm or leg. Like other conditions that cause chronic pain, CRPS can also …
Health topics
… again. If your blood sugar is still below 4.0 mmol/L, eat another 15 grams of carbohydrate from quick-sugar food. Repeat … help arrives. Information for family, friends, and others If you have low blood sugar, share this with others. If your child has diabetes, give this to teachers, …
Health topics
… Surgery Overview Laparoscopic hernia repair is similar to other laparoscopic procedures. General anesthesia is given, … The tools to repair the hernia are inserted through other small incisions in the lower belly. Mesh may be placed … hernia is incarcerated or strangulated ? And do you have other conditions that need to be addressed before hernia …