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3212 results found
Health topics
… Information Biting Bruises and Blood Spots Under the Skin Physical Abuse Sexual Abuse or Assault (Rape) Temper … Information Biting Bruises and Blood Spots Under the Skin Physical Abuse Sexual Abuse or Assault (Rape) Temper …
Health topics
… take longer to fall asleep. Sleep less deeply and wake up more often during the night. Have more trouble adjusting to changes in sleeping conditions, … toilet. If you can't sleep, get up and do a quiet or boring activity until you feel sleepy. Insomnia …
Health topics
… uterus and fallopian tubes and cause an infection. This is more common during menstruation but can occur at any time … partner. Sexually active women, especially those who have more than one sex partner, are more likely to have pelvic infections. And the risk for …
Health topics
… of viruses. Some types cause the common cold. Others cause more serious illnesses like Middle East respiratory syndrome … who get it. But certain things may increase your risk for more serious illness. These include: Age. Older adults are … ask your doctor if you should take extra precautions. The more of these things you have, the higher your risk for …
Health topics
… praise when your child goes without thumb-sucking during an activity that normally would have included that habit. Do … are consistent, patient, and positive, your child will be more likely to succeed. Remember this is your child's habit … often and regularly for not thumb-sucking, he or she is more likely to succeed. Set a goal for how long your child …
Health topics
… gloves that support the wrist and have vibration-absorbing padding. Take frequent breaks, and switch hands often. Stop … and pain. If your symptoms improve when you stop an activity, resume that activity gradually. As you do, keep … gloves that support the wrist and have vibration-absorbing padding. Take frequent breaks, and switch hands often. Stop …
Health topics
… breathing may help. You may feel better and be able to do more because you can breathe better. You can try two ways to … breathing (belly breathing). Use these methods when you are more short of breath than normal. Practice them often so you … Pursed-lip breathing Pursed-lip breathing helps you breathe more air out so that your next breath can be deeper. It …
Health topics
… and draw on it as you would a cigarette. It takes many more puffs to get an effect, about 3 to 4 times more puffs than when you smoke a cigarette. Replace the … use of the inhaler. Use the nicotine inhaler longer and more often at first. In a few days you will find what works …
Health topics
… breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, and many more. Whether you just found out you have cancer or have … That May Help Prevent Cancer Liver Resection Living With More Than One Health Problem Loop Electrosurgical Excision … breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, and many more. Whether you just found out you have cancer or have …
Health topics
… head-down to feet-down, or even sideways. You will feel more movement or less movement at certain times of the day … head-down to feet-down, or even sideways. You will feel more movement or less movement at certain times of the day …