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3212 results found
Health topics
… daily dose. You can use them if you need something more while you are using the patch or taking quit-smoking … who smoke heavily and choose the patch, lozenge, or gum are more successful using the strongest forms of the product … or lozenge with 4 mg of nicotine, or patches with 21 mg or more nicotine in each patch). Experts recommend combining …
Health topics
… may not be able to talk or think about anything else. Drink more alcohol or use more tobacco. Have trouble sleeping, or sleep a lot. Isolate … the Kids Help Phone website at for more information. Consider saving these numbers in your …
Health topics
… a common problem during pregnancy, causes less frequent and more strained bowel movements. The bowels commonly move more slowly during pregnancy. And iron in prenatal vitamins … to the back. Baby wipes or hemorrhoid pads are usually more gentle than toilet paper. If you use toilet paper, use …
Health topics
… people with diabetes use their insulin syringes and lancets more than once to save money. But makers of syringes and lancets do not recommend using them more than once. Talk with your doctor before reusing these … becomes dull. Needles usually are dull after being used more than 5 times. The needle or lancet is bent or has …
Health topics
… by weighing yourself often. Sodium "attracts" fluid, so the more sodium you consume, the more fluid you will retain. When your body retains fluid, … when your body is retaining fluids because you will weigh more. Record the date and your weight on this form daily. …
Health topics
… poultry, fish, or ground meats in the refrigerator for more than 2 days. Don't keep fresh beef, veal, lamb, or pork in the refrigerator more than 3 to 5 days. Cook or freeze them. Other foods may … for 3 to 4 weeks. But don't store opened lunch meats for more than 3 to 5 days. Store leftovers safely. Divide large …
Health topics
… of the year Penetrates deep into skin layers Is 20 times more abundant than UVB rays Causes long-term skin damage UVB … sunburn Causes tanning Helps the body make vitamin D Is more intense: During the middle of the day In the summer At … at least 30 minutes before you go out in the sun. Put on more every 2 to 3 hours while you are in the sun and after …
Health topics
… sense when: Thyroid hormone levels are low, so they secrete more TRH and TSH. This stimulates the thyroid to make more hormones. Thyroid hormone levels are too high, so they … the pituitary gland, it causes the thyroid gland to release more T3 and T4. A high TSH level means there isn't enough …
Health topics
… the type and size of the snake. Large snakes tend to inject more venom than smaller snakes do. Antivenom is used for … pain, and swelling at the bite. Moderate envenomations are more likely to cause symptoms of severe pain, swelling of … after the snakebite and may be effective for 2 weeks or more after the bite. Snake venoms can cause many problems, …
Health topics
… Constipation Constipation causes less frequent and more strained bowel movements. The bowels commonly move more slowly when you're pregnant. And iron in prenatal … veins of the large intestine. Constipation causes fewer and more strained bowel movements. Pain, itching, and bright red …