3926 results found
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… Child From Online Strangers Quick Tips: Babyproofing Your Home Quick Tips: Getting Active as a Family Quick Tips: … Tips: Helping Your Child Stay Safe and Healthy Quick Tips: Using Backpacks Safely Recognizing and Developing Your … Tips: Helping Your Child Stay Safe and Healthy Quick Tips: Using Backpacks Safely Recognizing and Developing Your …
Health topics
… or bleeding, you'll be checked for problems that may be causing your symptoms. Your doctor may find an ovarian cyst … cysts go away without treatment. Your doctor may suggest using heat and medicine to relieve minor pain. Surgery can … pelvic pain or pressure. Prevent more cysts from forming. Home treatment with heat and pain medicine can often relieve …
Health topics
… or 6. What if your child isn't ready? If your child resists using the toilet, your child probably isn't ready. Sometimes … one or two of these signs. A child may be excited about using the potty, only to lose interest very quickly. Delays … ease up on the training for a little while. Stress in the home can interfere with a child's toilet training. For …
Health topics
… on how to manage your pain. Someone must drive you home and then back to the surgeon's office in the next day … vision, which is the best possible vision you can achieve using glasses or contact lenses. This loss isn't common. But … vision, which is the best possible vision you can achieve using glasses or contact lenses. This loss isn't common. But …
Health topics
… work and personal life. Unplug from work when you're home. For example, try not to check company email when … be able to reduce some job stress by identifying what is causing the stress and then setting specific goals. Here's … be able to reduce some job stress by identifying what is causing the stress and then setting specific goals. Here's …
Health topics
… parents worry about whether their teenager will: Resist using alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, and drugs. Many teens are … and jobs can all compete for time that could be spent doing homework. Show your teen how to set goals. For example, talk … will have a good start on career plans. Most teens start focusing on career plans around age 17 and older. Help your …
Health topics
… while eating, such as paying bills or helping the kids with homework. Staying out of the kitchen may help you stay with … for pizza once a week, could you make a healthier pizza at home instead? Or you could go out to eat but order a salad … while eating, such as paying bills or helping the kids with homework. Staying out of the kitchen may help you stay with …
Health topics
… you are served. And you can bring safe substitutes from home. It's smart to teach your family members, co-workers, … Elimination diet. You avoid eating foods that may be causing an allergic reaction and see if your symptoms go away. … Elimination diet. You avoid eating foods that may be causing an allergic reaction and see if your symptoms go away. …
Health topics
… | Spanish | Tagalog Life with your baby Bringing Your Baby Home English | Arabic | Chinese | Farsi | French | Punjabi | …
Health topics
… that make diabetic medicines and supplies. Or use a home blood sugar diary. Make a blood sugar log in a … for patterns and reasons for your blood sugar levels. Try using the memory storage feature of your meter and other … for patterns and reasons for your blood sugar levels. Try using the memory storage feature of your meter and other …