3926 results found
Health topics
… an active role in managing a health condition. Fitness: Using a Pedometer, Step Counter, or Wearable Device Cause … each meal. Details about each meal (like eating out or at home, eating alone, or with friends or family). What you do … Healthy Eating Fitness: Getting and Staying Active Fitness: Using a Pedometer, Step Counter, or Wearable Device Healthy …
Health topics
… as a way to engage others. By 4 months, most babies: Start using their arms with purpose. For example, babies may move … (Flattened Head) Quick Tips: Babyproofing Your Home Speech and Language Development Stimulate Your Baby's … as a way to engage others. By 4 months, most babies: Start using their arms with purpose. For example, babies may move …
Health topics
… be given to a person who is a better match. You will return home and continue to wait for your new organ. If your … be given to a person who is a better match. You will return home and continue to wait for your new organ. If your …
Health topics
… snacks with you at work or school, in your car, and at home. If you have a healthy snack easily available, you'll … When You Shop . Stress Management: Managing Your Time . Confusing information Sometimes a food that seems like a good … When You Shop . Stress Management: Managing Your Time . Confusing information Sometimes a food that seems like a good …
Health topics
… may break and bleed into the eye, clouding vision and causing scar tissue to form. The scar tissue may pull on the … Diabetic Kidney Disease Low-Vision Accommodations in Your Home Type 1 Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes Vision Loss Evaluation … may break and bleed into the eye, clouding vision and causing scar tissue to form. The scar tissue may pull on the …
Health topics
… This device is for adults and children. Doctors recommend using a spacer with an MDI. The spacer is attached to the … many people, a spacer is easier to use than an MDI alone. Using a spacer with an inhaled corticosteroid medicine can … a face mask are recommended for children younger than 5. Using a spacer with an MDI may work just as well and cost …
Health topics
… footnote 1 The most common reason for failure, besides not using a condom every time, is that the condom breaks or … used to reduce the risk of STIs even when the couple is using another method of birth control (such as pills). For … all the way down to the base of your penis. If you are also using the condom as birth control, make sure your partner …
Health topics
… teen is more likely to get help early if your teen starts using a substance. Share your beliefs. They may not act like … out. It's okay to leave a party or group where others are using drugs. Offer another idea. "I'd rather play video … By doing this, you might also prevent your friend from using drugs. Ask for respect. Make it clear that you don't …
Health topics
… to not smoking, your doctor will tell you either to stop using the inhaler or to slowly reduce the dose. Inhalers are … inhaler, but this is rare. There are side effects from using the nicotine inhaler. Read the package insert before … to not smoking, your doctor will tell you either to stop using the inhaler or to slowly reduce the dose. Inhalers are …
Health topics
… You chew nicotine gum as a way to help yourself quit using tobacco. The gum has nicotine and feels and looks like … Read the materials that come with the product. Consider using the other materials provided with the nicotine gum. … mg gum or 20 pieces of the 4 mg gum in a day.) Chew the gum using the "chew and park" method. Use 1 piece of gum at a …