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3926 results found
Health topics
… 2 Protect the heart from being damaged from certain chemotherapy medicines. footnote 2 Risks Taking coenzyme Q10 … can be sold in Canada. Always tell your doctor if you are using a natural health product or if you are thinking about … 2 Protect the heart from being damaged from certain chemotherapy medicines. footnote 2 Risks Taking coenzyme Q10 …
Health topics
… and talks to fifth graders about why they shouldn't start using tobacco. The kids hear his message, sit in the race … John knows firsthand how hard it is to quit after you start using tobacco. He smoked and chewed tobacco for 16 years … and talks to fifth graders about why they shouldn't start using tobacco. The kids hear his message, sit in the race …
Health topics
… vision, which is the best possible vision you can achieve using glasses or contact lenses. This loss isn't common. But … vision, which is the best possible vision you can achieve using glasses or contact lenses. This loss isn't common. But …
Health topics
… are affected. The limited number of small incisions made using MIDCAB makes it hard to treat more than two coronary … are affected. The limited number of small incisions made using MIDCAB makes it hard to treat more than two coronary …
Health topics
… a day for men or 2 or more drinks a day for women. Stop using acetaminophen and contact your doctor if your pain … a day for men or 2 or more drinks a day for women. Stop using acetaminophen and contact your doctor if your pain …
Health topics
… What causes it? Frozen shoulder can develop when you stop using the joint normally because of pain, injury, or a … may also be used to reduce pain and swelling. And physiotherapy can help increase your range of motion. A frozen … may also be used to reduce pain and swelling. And physiotherapy can help increase your range of motion. A frozen …
Health topics
… they've heard about them. If you're making a decision about using a steroid inhaler, it helps to know the facts. Myth … effects of the medicine. You can control your asthma using only your quick-relief inhaler. Many people will only find relief and get good control over their asthma by using daily controller medicine. Asthma …
Health topics
… living organisms in the water. You can disinfect water using one of the following methods. Bring the water to a … living organisms in the water. You can disinfect water using one of the following methods. Bring the water to a …