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3926 results found
Health topics
… in the elbow to heal. Treatment usually starts with rest, using ice and anti-inflammatory medicines, and trying a physiotherapy and exercise program (rehab). Many people get better … ice and anti-inflammatory medicines, and trying a physiotherapy and exercise program (rehab). Many people get better …
Health topics
… Other strategies can help teach your child limits, such as using a firm voice, looking your child in the eye, and … Other strategies can help teach your child limits, such as using a firm voice, looking your child in the eye, and …
Health topics
… or years for the colour of the skin to return to normal. Using a moisturizer, cream, or petroleum jelly can help … or years for the colour of the skin to return to normal. Using a moisturizer, cream, or petroleum jelly can help …
Health topics
… with a stressful situation. Eating to soothe your feelings. Using food as a reward. (For example, "That was really a … Having a plan can help you deal with your emotions without using food. It's about you and what works best for you. Here … with a stressful situation. Eating to soothe your feelings. Using food as a reward. (For example, "That was really a …
Health topics
… an emergency procedure to stop a fast heart rate that is causing low blood pressure or severe symptoms. These heart … how long you have had atrial fibrillation, what is causing it, and if you have another heart problem. If you take … a stroke. Your doctor will try to decrease this risk by using anticoagulants or other measures. The procedure may …
Health topics
… breaks through the skin. But it may push the skin out, causing it to have a tent-shaped look. A broken collarbone … breaks through the skin. But it may push the skin out, causing it to have a tent-shaped look. A broken collarbone …
Health topics
… a filling in burritos, soups, and casseroles. Try "almost homemade" cooking You can make "almost homemade" meals by starting with one or two prepared … a filling in burritos, soups, and casseroles. Try "almost homemade" cooking You can make "almost homemade" meals by …