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Health topics
… does not appear to spread from a mother to her baby at birth. What are the symptoms? The main symptoms are a fever, … some people the symptoms get worse quickly, making a hospital stay necessary. The incubation period—the time from … does not appear to spread from a mother to her baby at birth. What are the symptoms? The main symptoms are a fever, …
Health topics
… care you need is to call 9-1-1 for medical transport to the hospital. Call 9-1-1 Now Based on your answers, you need … care you need is to call 9-1-1 for medical transport to the hospital. Abdominal Pain, Age 11 and Younger Respiratory … care you need is to call 9-1-1 for medical transport to the hospital. Call 9-1-1 Now Based on your answers, you need …
Health topics
… care you need is to call 9-1-1 for medical transport to the hospital. Seek Care Now Based on your answers, you may need … care you need is to call 9-1-1 for medical transport to the hospital. Seek Care Today Based on your answers, you may … care you need is to call 9-1-1 for medical transport to the hospital. Seek Care Now Based on your answers, you may need …
Health topics
… health treatment means that a person stays overnight in a hospital to get treatment for a mental illness. How long … or longer. It's common for someone to go to a mental health hospital for this treatment. Or they could get treatment at a general hospital that has a separate mental health unit. A hospital
Health topics
… this risk with your doctor. There may be a higher risk of birth defects for babies conceived by certain assisted … (except surgery), you won't have to stay overnight in the hospital and you will recover quickly. If you have surgery, … more than one baby at a time. There may be a higher risk of birth defects for babies conceived by certain assisted …
Health topics
… shock syndrome caused by strep most often occurs after childbirth, influenza (flu), chickenpox, surgery, minor skin cuts … long (menstrual TSS). Or it can occur after surgery, childbirth, or skin wounds (non-menstrual TSS). What are the … toxic shock syndrome (TSS) almost always takes place in a hospital. Treatment includes: Removing the source of the …