1286 results found
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… stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. If you are in the hospital when your breathing or heart stops, a team of doctors, nurses, and others will respond. In the hospital, the team may use a device called a defibrillator … life support. But your remaining time may be spent in a hospital connected to machines. If you don't make your …
Health topics
… humour therapy, picture clowns in the children's ward of a hospital cheering up sick children. Some hospitals now have humour carts that provide funny materials … humour therapy, picture clowns in the children's ward of a hospital cheering up sick children. Some hospitals now have …
Health topics
… (IABP) might be used to stabilize a person who is in the hospital for acute mitral valve regurgitation or severe … inconvenient. You may need to lie extremely still in your hospital bed if you have one of these devices in place. … (IABP) might be used to stabilize a person who is in the hospital for acute mitral valve regurgitation or severe …
Health topics
… yourself or another person, contact your doctor or local hospital for help right away . Also get help right away from your doctor or local hospital if your symptoms include detachment from reality … yourself or another person, contact your doctor or local hospital for help right away . Also get help right away from …
Health topics
… folate deficiency anemia . It also prevents certain birth defects. Most people just say "folic acid" for either … pregnancy are more likely to have a child born with a birth defect, such as: A neural tube defect , like spina … . Neural tube defects are some of the most common types of birth defects in Canada. A cleft lip or cleft palate . Even …
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… to the fetus include: Abnormally slow growth of the fetus. Birth before the 37th week of pregnancy (preterm birth). Low birth weight. Death that happens right before or after …
Health topics
… care you need is to call 9-1-1 for medical transport to the hospital. Seek Care Today Based on your answers, you may … care you need is to call 9-1-1 for medical transport to the hospital. Seek Care Today Based on your answers, you may …
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