2116 results found
Health topics
… baby swallowing. Your baby is making a good latch. It isn't painful when your baby sucks. The shield isn't puckered or … baby swallowing. Your baby is making a good latch. It isn't painful when your baby sucks. The shield isn't puckered or …
Health topics
… 72 hours for long-acting tadalafil) and you have chest pain. Do not take nitroglycerin. Make sure all the doctors … medicine. You have erection problems that occur along with pain or difficulty with urination, a fever, or pain in the lower belly. Call a doctor if erection problems …
Health topics
… getting pregnant. Treatment can be stressful, costly, and painful. If you decide to have treatment, set your limits … Some of these treatments can be stressful, costly, and painful. Depending on what is causing the problem, you can: … your chances). Treatment can be stressful, costly, and painful. It can take months or years. Treatments can …
Health topics
… You have moderate or severe dry eyes. You have an uncontrolled autoimmune or connective tissue disease. You are … contact lens for a few days. You will have little or no pain with LASIK, but you may have some pain with PRK, LASEK, or epi-LASIK while the skin cells …
Health topics
… child's muscles and nerves work together. Toddlers gain control and coordination and become steady walkers. … strong emotions and confusion about what they can and can't control. A toddler wants to be the master of his or her … in a cupboard. Your child can then play freely and feel in control. Seek out danger. Your child may seem drawn to …
Health topics
… surgical staples. What To Expect You will have some belly pain and may need pain medicine for the first week or so after surgery. The … surgical staples. What To Expect You will have some belly pain and may need pain medicine for the first week or so …
Health topics
… that can damage the organs. These include diabetes, uncontrolled high blood pressure, and cancer. If you are or … organ. When open surgery is done, the person may have more pain and a longer recovery time. Laparoscopic surgery . This … There is always the risk of problems from surgery, such as pain, infection, pneumonia, bleeding, and even death. After …
Health topics
… who has narrowing in a carotid artery. These steps help control the conditions that increase your risk of stroke. … patients without recent neurological symptoms: Randomized controlled trial. Lancet, 363(9420): 1491–1502. DOI: … who has narrowing in a carotid artery. These steps help control the conditions that increase your risk of stroke. …
Health topics
… fast and deep breathing, breath that smells fruity, belly pain, not feeling hungry, vomiting, and feeling confused. … fast and deep breathing, breath that smells fruity, belly pain, not feeling hungry, vomiting, and feeling confused. …
Health topics
… the aneurysm. Symptoms of a blood clot may include: Sudden pain in your leg or foot. Your leg or foot being cool or … the aneurysm. Symptoms of a blood clot may include: Sudden pain in your leg or foot. Your leg or foot being cool or …