2170 results found
Health topics
… Difficulty breathing more than a stuffy nose Is there any pain? Yes Pain No Pain How bad is the pain on a scale of 0 to 10, if 0 is no …
Health topics
… occur during play, sports, car crashes, fights, and falls. Pain, swelling, and bruising are common, even with minor … fracture, when the bone is still in place, usually includes pain medicine and nasal decongestants. You may or may not … wound on nose No Cut or puncture wound on nose Is there any pain in or around the nose? Yes Pain in or around nose No …
Health topics
… gotten the object out, because a scratched cornea may feel painful and as though something is still in the eye. Most … Pupil changes after object got in eye Do you have any eye pain? Yes Eye pain No Eye pain How bad is the pain on a scale of 0 to 10, …
Health topics
… been removed. That's because a scratched cornea may feel painful. It may feel like something is still in the eye. … (photopsia) and new floaters . Signs of infection include pain and blurred vision. Most minor eye injuries can be … Decreased vision No Decreased vision Do you have any eye pain? Yes Eye pain No Eye pain How bad is the pain on a …
Health topics
… Bite may have been caused by abuse or neglect Is there any pain? Yes Pain No Pain How bad is the pain on a scale of 0 to 10, if 0 is no …
Health topics
… appear from minutes to hours after a bite. Severe burning pain at the site usually starts within minutes. Then … there any swelling? Yes Swelling No Swelling Is there any pain? Yes Pain No Pain How bad is the pain on a scale of 0 to 10, if 0 …
Health topics
… or a non-food item gets stuck along the way, you may have pain when swallowing or trouble swallowing, even when … long object No Swallowed sharp or long object Do you have pain in your throat, chest, or belly after swallowing or inhaling an object? Yes Pain in throat, chest or belly since swallowing or inhaling …
Health topics
… dry weather. Some doctors recommend that: You use a quick-relief medicine (called a short-acting beta-2 agonist) about … dry weather. Some doctors recommend that: You use a quick-relief medicine (called a short-acting beta-2 agonist) about …
Health topics
… is hungry, wet, tired, too warm, too cold, lonely, or in pain. If your child is crying, try to figure out the type of … frustration with clothing or toys, or fear of strangers. Pain cries. These start with a high-pitched, strong wail … They may make you feel anxious. A young child in pain will often have other signs of pain along with crying. …
Health topics
… is blocked or injured, these enzymes can leak out and cause pain and swelling. This may happen suddenly or over many … The main symptom of pancreatitis is medium to severe pain in the upper belly. Pain may also spread to the middle of your back. Some people …