234 results found
Health topics
… for other conditions with similar symptoms, such as arthritis or a nerve problem such as tarsal tunnel syndrome … for other conditions with similar symptoms, such as arthritis or a nerve problem such as tarsal tunnel syndrome …
Health topics
… diseases or injuries. A past Achilles tendon injury, osteoarthritis, gout, or rheumatoid arthritis are risk factors. Some medicines. Corticosteroid … diseases or injuries. A past Achilles tendon injury, osteoarthritis, gout, or rheumatoid arthritis are risk factors. …
Health topics
… and other problems. Certain conditions such as diabetes or arthritis can also cause sexual problems. During sexual … and other problems. Certain conditions such as diabetes or arthritis can also cause sexual problems. During sexual …
Health topics
… Some immune-related diseases, such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis , have been linked with a higher risk of heart … Some immune-related diseases, such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis , have been linked with a higher risk of heart …
Health topics
… after surgery, or from a health problem like cancer, osteoarthritis , low back pain, headaches, or fibromyalgia . Your … from injuries or muscle strain. Health problems like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and fibromyalgia also can cause it. Nerves and …
Health topics
… tendons that pull the big toe up or down. Joint disease ( arthritis ) or problems with blood supply to bone tissue. A … tendons that pull the big toe up or down. Joint disease ( arthritis ) or problems with blood supply to bone tissue. A … tendons that pull the big toe up or down. Joint disease ( arthritis ) or problems with blood supply to bone tissue. A …
Health topics
… Quick Tips: Modifying Your Home and Work Area When You Have Arthritis Quick Tips: Safely Giving Over-the-Counter … Quick Tips: Modifying Your Home and Work Area When You Have Arthritis Quick Tips: Safely Giving Over-the-Counter …
Health topics
… have a chronic illness such as heart disease, diabetes, or arthritis Emotional problems , such as anger you can't … shoulder, and low back pain. Stress may make rheumatoid arthritis worse. Stomach. If you have stomach problems, such … have a chronic illness such as heart disease, diabetes, or arthritis Emotional problems , such as anger you can't …
Health topics
… tear. You don't have other shoulder problems, such as arthritis. Surgery mostly is used to repair a torn rotator … tear. You don't have other shoulder problems, such as arthritis. Surgery mostly is used to repair a torn rotator …
Health topics
… include: Physical problems, such as migraine headaches ; arthritis ; or long-term neck, back, belly, or pelvic pain. … include: Physical problems, such as migraine headaches ; arthritis ; or long-term neck, back, belly, or pelvic pain. …