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Health topics
… possibly keeping you up at night! Believe it or not, babies find the movement and noise of daytime hours to be … the lungs breathe air. With every week after 22 weeks, babies are a little more likely to survive if they are born this early. Babies born before 26 weeks are not yet equipped to breathe …
Health topics
… especially from 15 to 18 weeks of pregnancy. By now, babies' heads are no longer so big compared to the rest of … especially from 15 to 18 weeks of pregnancy. By now, babies' heads are no longer so big compared to the rest of …
Health topics
… may notice about your baby's skin. It looks like pimples. Babies often get pimples on their cheeks, noses, and … weeks of life and usually clears up on its own within a few months. Baby acne has nothing to do with whether your child … looks blotchy. During the first day or two of life, many babies get harmless red blotches with tiny bumps that …
Health topics
Health topics
… your baby's eyes show rapid eye movement. In rare cases, babies survive birth at 22 weeks, but generally, the lungs … your baby's eyes show rapid eye movement. In rare cases, babies survive birth at 22 weeks, but generally, the lungs …
Health topics
Health topics
… is different for each teen. But it may be for several months or longer. There are different types of counselling. … doctor for a referral. Ask your teen's counsellor about parenting classes. You can learn skills that may help you … doctor for a referral. Ask your teen's counsellor about parenting classes. You can learn skills that may help you …
Health topics
… facts and developments around 16 weeks. This month, babies' faces have become more human. Their eyes have moved … facts and developments around 16 weeks. This month, babies' faces have become more human. Their eyes have moved …
Health topics
… children are ready to start when they are between 22 and 30 months of age, but every child is different. Toilet training … the toilet with little help. The average time it takes is 3 months. Girls usually are toilet-trained a little earlier … children are ready to start when they are between 22 and 30 months of age, but every child is different. Children go …