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Health topics
… The cause of hair loss will also determine the treatment. Babies often lose their fine baby hair, which is then … of changes in hormones, people often lose hair for 1 to 6 months after childbirth or after they stop breastfeeding. … an oily, yellow crusting on a baby's scalp. It's common in babies. It's not caused by an illness. And it doesn't mean …
Health topics
… vitamin D intake (international units a day) Infants 0–6 months 200* 400 Infants 7–12 months 260* 400 1–3 years 700 … of supplements are right for your child. Although breastfed babies get the best possible nutrition, they do need vitamin D supplements. Vitamin D for babies is usually a liquid supplement that you add to a …
Health topics
… people with epilepsy who become pregnant deliver healthy babies. But the risk of birth defects, stillbirth, and seizure-related problems is higher for babies born to someone with epilepsy. Most antiepileptic … Experts recommend that this trial run take place at least 6 months before the pregnancy so that you and your doctor can …
Health topics
… disease that causes very severe coughing that may last for months. During bursts of violent coughing, you may make a … be dangerous in older adults and young children, especially babies who aren't old enough to have had the pertussis … may include: A runny nose. A fever. A mild cough. Apnea in babies. This is a slight pause in breathing. Later-stage …
Health topics
… about taking birth control pills if it has been a few months since you gave birth. The type that contains a very … about taking birth control pills if it has been a few months since you gave birth. The type that contains a very …
Health topics