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3916 results found
Health topics
… Surgery Overview What To Expect After Surgery Why It Is Used How Well It Works Risks What To Think About … Surgery Overview Stress incontinence in women can cause frequent involuntary release of urine during activities … do self-catheterization temporarily. TVT surgery usually causes minimal pain and discomfort. Although you may resume …
Health topics
… diabetes educator to help you and your child understand and use carbohydrate counting. How do you count carbohydrates? … much fat to include in your child's meals. Start counting Use the meal plan to select food for your child's meals and … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means …
Health topics
… removable, ask your doctor if you can take it off when you use ice. If you have an adjustable splint that feels too … stick items under your splint to scratch the skin. Do not use oils or lotions near your splint. If the skin becomes … pad the edges with a soft material, such as moleskin, or use tape to cover the edges. If you're allowed to take your …
Health topics
… need to be especially careful about consuming alcohol, because they tend to be more at risk of alcohol-related health … and generally tend to weigh less than men. Chronic heavy use, as well as occasional excessive use of alcohol, can harm your health. If you have been …
Health topics
… and get ready to make a plan. Having a plan—and staying focused on it—can be a big help. Here are some ideas for making … time. You can learn from your past. What helped? Plan to use those skills again this time. What got in the way of … (app) if you have a smartphone or tablet device. Use it to track your progress and share your successes on …
Health topics
… your body from infection by killing bacteria. What causes it? Neutropenia is often caused by cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and … your body's ability to make white blood cells. Other causes include: Immune system conditions such as HIV or lupus …
Health topics
… has some feeling or movement in the affected area. What causes it? An SCI usually happens because of a sudden, severe blow to the spine. Broken or … swelling of the spinal cord. When a spinal cord injury is caused by a serious trauma, treatment for other injuries is …
Health topics
… in healthy, athletic people. This type is not likely to cause complications, unless the heart rate is very slow (less … beats per minute). It rarely requires treatment unless it causes symptoms. Then a pacemaker may be implanted if there is no cause that can be easily treated. Sinus pause (also called …
Health topics
… a pea, even a blood blister, will usually heal on its own. Use a loose bandage to protect it. Avoid the activity that caused the blister. If a small blister is on a weight-bearing … If possible, put the flap of skin back in place. Don't use hydrogen peroxide or alcohol on the blister. They can …
Health topics
… A weak cervix is different from preterm labour . Labour causes regular, painful contractions of the uterus. What causes it? It's not clear what causes cervical insufficiency. But it has been linked to: …