3979 results found
Health topics
… Overview Some over-the-counter (OTC) medicines can raise your blood pressure or keep your blood pressure medicine from working the way it should. … with OTC medicines. That includes natural health products. Your doctor or pharmacist can suggest OTC medicines that are …
Health topics
… tested. If you have questions about COVID-19 testing, ask your doctor or your provincial health authority. Since the symptoms are so … alike, it makes sense to act as if you have COVID-19 until your test results come back. This means staying home and …
Health topics
… Wheezing and trouble breathing. How is it diagnosed? If your doctor thinks that you may have an enterovirus D68 … get a physical examination and be asked questions about your symptoms and past health. Your doctor may collect a swab from your mouth or throat to …
Health topics
… test can be one of the things doctors use to check on your risk of heart attack and stroke. The Canadian … recommends a cholesterol test if you are 40 or older. Your doctor may recommend this test if you are younger and … How often you should get a cholesterol test depends on your cholesterol level, your other health problems, and your …
Health topics
… means that you don't have enough sodium in your blood compared to water. Sodium is both an electrolyte … and a mineral. It helps keep the right mix of fluids in your body. Severe hyponatremia can be harmful to the brain … or a coma. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose hyponatremia, your doctor will examine you and ask about your health. You …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview Talk to your doctor about whether you or your family is at risk for lead poisoning. During a routine … pregnant or trying to become pregnant, you may want to ask your doctor about your risk for lead poisoning. A pregnant …
Health topics
… How is it diagnosed? To diagnose calcific tendinitis, your doctor will ask questions about your past health and your symptoms and will do a physical examination. The doctor …
Health topics
… Get organized. Find a daily organizer or planner that fits your needs. Write notes in your organizer about your appointments and other things you need to remember. …
Health topics
… suddenly and unexpectedly gives way and does not support your body weight. It is also common to have a catching, … sensation when you are walking or when you are moving your knee. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and past health and …
Health topics
… high cholesterol. Cholesterol tests for children and teens Your child's doctor may suggest a cholesterol test based on your child's age, family history, or a physical examination. You can ask your child's doctor if your child should have a cholesterol …