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Health topics
… choke on food and everyday objects. You can help prevent your child from choking by offering the right kinds of foods … small children? Preventing choking on food To help prevent your child from choking on food, follow these basic food safety tips. Teach your child to eat only in the kitchen or dining room. Be …
Health topics
… a thin, flexible tube called a catheter into an artery in your upper leg (groin) or wrist. The doctor moves the … is guided into the blood vessels of the heart. First, your doctor inserts the catheter into a blood vessel in the … or wrist. A very thin guide wire is inside the catheter. Your doctor carefully guides the catheter through blood …
Health topics
… (OB-GYN) to provide primary care throughout your pregnancy. Pregnancy: Choosing a health professional … experienced during a previous pregnancy. In this case, your care team will expand to include certain specialists, … Register your pregnancy for prenatal care Nurse-family partnership Doulas and support during childbirth … Health …
Health topics
… 1, 2019 Breastfeeding alone can provide all the nutrients your baby needs for the first six months – with one notable … Babies fed formula alone do not need extra vitamin D. Give your breastfed baby liquid vitamin D supplements. These are … Carefully read the label for directions on how to give your baby 400IU. Vitamin D supplements are available at your
Health topics
… Timing and duration of therapy varies. For example, your treatment may consist of 12 weeks during which you have … of the bladder can also be done by placing electrodes under your skin, either through your leg or into your lower back. This is usually done for …
Health topics
… hours. To prevent the body from rejecting the donor heart, your surgeon will give you powerful drugs … may have to stay longer. How long you'll stay depends on your health and if you have complications from surgery. … you will start a cardiac rehabilitation program. And your doctors will check on your heart to make sure your body …
Health topics
… of surgery redirects blood around a blocked blood vessel in your leg. So it may improve the blood flow in your leg. This can decrease leg pain, numbness, and cramping. Your doctor will use something called a graft to make the …
Health topics
… or objects contaminated with norovirus, and then placing your hand in your mouth. Having direct contact with someone who is … and can spread rapidly throughout these environments. Keep your child at home while they are sick and for a few days …
Health topics
… the incisions. The doctor is able to use the scope to see your organs and do the surgery. The type of surgery you have depends on your health needs. With either type of surgery, the incisions will leave scars on your belly that will fade with time. The surgery can be done …
Health topics
… typically come on quickly. How severe they are depends on your susceptibility to the toxin, how much contaminated food you ate, how much of the toxin you ingested, and your general health. The condition is typically over in a … based on a medical history and a physical examination. Your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms, your