3593 results found
Health topics
… you recover, prevent problems, and regain skills you may have lost or to make the most of your remaining abilities. … you may need at home. What kinds of problems can people have after a stroke? The problems you have after a stroke depend on what part of your brain was …
Health topics
… about strength training that is right for you. Always have a medical evaluation before starting any new physical activity. If you have chest pain or dizziness during any physical activity, stop and call your doctor. If you have not exercised much in the past, your doctor might first …
Health topics
… different emotions. Some people are worried that they could have another stroke. Or they may feel overwhelmed by how … Diabetes. High blood pressure. High cholesterol. If you have any of these health problems, you can manage them with … healthy lifestyle along with medicine. If you think you may have a problem with alcohol or drug use, talk to your …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview Many people who have hemophilia know when they are bleeding even before … injury, is the most common bleeding problem in people who have severe hemophilia. Bleeding usually occurs in one joint … are affected. Can you play sports and be active if you have hemophilia? People who have hemophilia can be active, …
Health topics
… amount of coughing and mucus Able to do normal activities Have a good appetite Sleeping well Take daily medicines for … helping symptoms Using quick-relief medicines more often Have a fever Have less energy than usual Not sleeping well Chest feels …
Health topics
… electric devices with caution. Some electric devices have a strong electromagnetic field. This field can keep … have a pacemaker before you have any test, procedure, or surgery. Have your dentist talk to your doctor before you … card and other information with you at all times. The card should include manufacturer information and the model …
Health topics
… Overview Choosing shoes when you have diabetes When you have diabetes, it's important to wear shoes that fit well … you a better fit throughout the day. Look for shoes that have roomy toe boxes (the space around the toes). Shoes with …
Health topics
… You will need a tetanus shot as soon as possible if you have a dirty cut, wound, or burn and 5 or more years have passed since your last tetanus shot. The doctor will … can cause death. The best way to prevent the disease is to have a tetanus shot. How can you tell if you need a tetanus …
Health topics
… not relapsing, you can deal with losing any weight you may have gained. If you do start to gain weight, there are steps … same time that you try to quit smoking, you will probably have a harder time quitting. So deal with quitting first. … weight at the same time they are trying to stop smoking have an even harder time of stopping smoking. Instead, eat …
Health topics
… about any water you're leaking. Tell them right away if you have a fever and your water is dark or greenish, bad-smelling, or bloody. What happens when you have pPROM? Many people with pPROM have their baby within 1 week. It may take longer. Some …