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3593 results found
Health topics
… Yourself an Epinephrine Shot Actionset Overview If you have had a severe allergic reaction ( anaphylaxis ) in the … clothing if you must, but bare skin is best. The injector should go straight into your skin, at a 90-degree angle to … and bring the used injector with you. What to do next You should feel the effects of the medicine almost right away. …
Health topics
… Advil or Motrin). Steroids, such as prednisone. If you have unexplained bruises and take one of the medicines … the medicine. He or she can determine whether you should stop taking the medicine or take a different one. An … the medicine. He or she can determine whether you should stop taking the medicine or take a different one. An …
Health topics
… between your legs may be sore, bruised and swollen. If you have stitches, you may experience more pain. To ease … birth control. Vaginal bleeding (Lochia) You can expect to have bleeding and discharge from the your vagina for about … is dark red with small clots about the size of a loonie. It should soak less than one maxi pad every two hours and have
Health topics
… You use the diaphragm with a spermicide each time you have vaginal sex. The diaphragm will last for 1 to 2 years. … you use the diaphragm? Insert the diaphragm each time you have intercourse. Read the instructions for how to insert … If you gain or lose a lot of weight, have abdominal surgery, or have a baby, talk to your doctor to see if you …
Health topics
… (CSF rhinorrhea) and can occur after a head injury or after surgery on the nose or ears. Infection of the nose, sinuses, … to 72 hours. How can you care for your broken nose? If you have a nasal splint or packing, leave it in place until a … raised until the swelling goes down. Prop up your head and shoulders on pillows. Ask your doctor when it's okay to …
Health topics
… large number of mosquitoes, repellents with 10% to 24% DEET should keep most mosquitoes away from your skin. Concerns have been raised about safety, because DEET is quickly … to read and follow all instructions on the label. DEET should also be used carefully on clothing. Icaridin …
Health topics
… heart attack. Then, 5 years later, he had quadruple bypass surgery. A few years after the surgery, he found out he had diabetes. Now 20 years after … Bob started being more active after his heart attack and surgery, he really got moving after his doctor told him he …
Health topics
… This helps to prevent blocked milk ducts. Women who have had a caesarean delivery may find that they are more … your baby's body and head aligned straight. The baby's head should be straight with the body, not turned to one side or … yours. One hand is low on the baby's head, behind the shoulders with fingers up and supporting the head. The other …
Health topics
… medicines, it will be important for you to periodically have these electrolytes measured using a blood test. They should also be measured shortly after you start taking any … will always have a tendency to retain salt and water. You should record your weight daily. Call your doctor if you …
Health topics
… (implantable cardioverter-defibrillators). Cardiac devices have very advanced features. Your doctor can program your … or if the ICD gave you any therapy (like a shock). If you have had a shock, your doctor will make sure that it was … you didn't need it. Monitoring at your doctor's office No surgery is needed to check your cardiac device. The doctor …