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Health topics
… to safely enjoy the benefits of physical activity if you have: Cardiovascular disease Experienced falls Difficulty … yourself motivated. Even doing a little bit of activity can have important health benefits. Useful resources Exercise … BC, Canada) This video provides information about why you should be physically active, how to stay safe during …
Health topics
… of waste products and electrolytes in your blood that should be removed by your kidneys. These include creatinine … hormone (PTH) level. Your red blood cells, to see if you have anemia of chronic kidney disease. Your doctor can use … of waste products and electrolytes in your blood that should be removed by your kidneys. These include creatinine …
Health topics
… detox. But people who drink large amounts of alcohol should not try to detox at home unless they work closely … It's important to tell your doctor exactly how much you have been drinking. Your doctor will figure out whether you … detox. But people who drink large amounts of alcohol should not try to detox at home unless they work closely …
Health topics
… total calories come from fats. And most of these calories should come from healthy fats such as vegetable oils, nuts, and fish. Very few calories should come from saturated fat, which is found in animal … and instant soups, packaged mixes, and snack items, don't have enough calcium, potassium, and magnesium—the very …
Health topics
… health All pets, whether they are kept indoors or outside, should be in good health, show no signs of disease, and be … reduce aggressive behaviour. Train and prepare dogs If you have a dog, train and prepare it for contact with children. … health All pets, whether they are kept indoors or outside, should be in good health, show no signs of disease, and be …
Health topics
… you may be able to do. Share your tobacco history. If you have never used tobacco, tell the person that you have heard … from the attempt. Are there any triggers to look out for? Should the person try phone counselling, medicine, or … from the attempt. Are there any triggers to look out for? Should the person try phone counselling, medicine, or …
Health topics
… heart muscle is weak, it can't pump out blood as well as it should. More blood stays in your heart after each heartbeat. … dilated cardiomyopathy. What are the symptoms? You may not have any symptoms at first. Or you may have mild symptoms, … heart muscle is weak, it can't pump out blood as well as it should. More blood stays in your heart after each heartbeat. …
Health topics
… eat is an important part of planning healthy meals when you have diabetes. Carbs raise blood sugar more than any other … your child's meals and snacks. High-sugar foods or sweets should be eaten only sometimes and in smaller servings than … your child's meals and snacks. High-sugar foods or sweets should be eaten only sometimes and in smaller servings than …
Health topics
… is the time to talk to your doctor about any plans you have to breastfeed both an older child and your newborn . … help you anticipate and manage breastfeeding difficulties, should they arise. Talk to friends and family members about … help you anticipate and manage breastfeeding difficulties, should they arise. Talk to friends and family members about …
Health topics
… with needle aspiration guided by ultrasound. Most people have pain medicine and sedation for this procedure. Sperm … when there is a problem with sperm development. Sperm may have been collected and frozen at an earlier time. In that … Other reasons you may choose IVF include: You had surgery to reverse a tubal ligation ("having your tubes …