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3593 results found
Health topics
… tobacco has benefits you can see. Your mouth sores should slowly start to go away. Your gums should begin to look healthier. Seeing these changes may … tobacco has benefits you can see. Your mouth sores should slowly start to go away. Your gums should begin to …
Health topics
… strong eye more than the weak eye. If the weak eye doesn't have to work, it isn't able to develop good vision. This … to be treated. Treatment is best started before age 6 and should begin before your child's vision has fully developed, … to be treated. Treatment is best started before age 6 and should begin before your child's vision has fully developed, …
Health topics
… Oxygen-gas cylinders. Liquid-oxygen devices. You don't have to stay at home or in a hospital to use oxygen. Oxygen … breathe better and live longer. Long-term oxygen therapy should be used for at least 15 hours a day with as few … breathe better and live longer. Long-term oxygen therapy should be used for at least 15 hours a day with as few …
Health topics
… then deciding how to treat them. Regardless of whether you have full-blown, diagnosable premenstrual syndrome (PMS), … discharge that occurs when you aren't pressing on a nipple should be checked by a health professional.) Decreased … discharge that occurs when you aren't pressing on a nipple should be checked by a health professional.) Decreased …
Health topics
… be a part of your daily routine. If they fit right, they should be snug but comfortable. It's best to wear them all … a second pair, if you can afford it. That way, you'll have a clean pair to wear while you wash the other. Put a … be a part of your daily routine. If they fit right, they should be snug but comfortable. It's best to wear them all …
Health topics
… can help reduce the chance of spreading germs. If you have them, wear disposable gloves when cleaning up diarrhea … the toilet. Put the linens in a large plastic bag. The bag should prevent moisture from leaking through. Take the bag … the toilet. Put the linens in a large plastic bag. The bag should prevent moisture from leaking through. Take the bag …
Health topics
… body needs the right amount to stay healthy and work as it should. You can use the list below to help you make choices … foods to eat. Here are some foods that contain iron. Most have 1 to 2 milligrams of iron per serving. Some have more. … body needs the right amount to stay healthy and work as it should. You can use the list below to help you make choices …
Health topics
… to put into words. Starting around 18 months, many children have a burst in talking. By 24 months, children tend to use … in children. All children with speech and language delays should have their hearing tested. Certain disorders, such as … talk with your doctor. All children with a speech delay should have their hearing tested. Keep in mind that many …
Health topics
… at a store that sells athletic supplies. Your mouth guard should cover your upper or lower teeth and gums and fit so that your jaws are properly aligned. It should also be light, strong, and easy to clean. Frequent … at a store that sells athletic supplies. Your mouth guard should cover your upper or lower teeth and gums and fit so …
Health topics
… the staff qualified? Will the weight stay off? The program should help you get past common problems in keeping the … setting up a support system. What can you eat? The program should consider your food likes and dislikes and your … the staff qualified? Will the weight stay off? The program should help you get past common problems in keeping the …