642 results found
Health topics
… to look for a physiotherapist who is specially trained in pelvic floor therapy. Medicines for pain and other symptoms. … sitting for a long time causes pain, find out about using a standing desk. Eat foods that are good for you. It will help … chronic pain. Chronic Pain Chronic Pelvic Pain Urinary Incontinence in Men Urinary Problems and …
Health topics
… an ear. Young children can put small things—such as beads, rocks, popcorn, plastic toy pieces, or small batteries—in … an ear. Young children can put small things—such as beads, rocks, popcorn, plastic toy pieces, or small batteries—in …
Health topics
… a day. Try to progress to doing it with your eyes closed. Standing sway exercise: forward to back Stand with a chair … to doing this 30 times and then with your eyes closed. Standing sway exercise: right to left Stand with a chair in … you. If you begin to fall, you may use them for support. Standing in a corner will also work. Stand with your feet …
Health topics
… are usually caused by too much pressure on the veins in the pelvic and rectal area. Sitting on the toilet a long time or … are usually caused by too much pressure on the veins in the pelvic and rectal area. If you sit on the toilet a long time … Things that make hemorrhoids worse include: Sitting or standing for a long time. This may cause blood to pool in …
Health topics
… will help your baby learn to go to sleep in the crib. Don't rock your baby to sleep. Rock your baby, but lay them down to sleep while they're … will help your baby learn to go to sleep in the crib. Don't rock your baby to sleep. Rock your baby, but lay them down …
Health topics
… important information for planning your care. You'll have a pelvic examination and urine and blood tests. You'll also … when it's hot out. Fitness: Walking for Wellness Do pelvic floor (Kegel) exercises during and after pregnancy. … stretch Diagonal curl Forward bend Leg lift crawl Pelvic rocking Pelvic tilt Tailor press Tailor sitting Tailor …
Health topics
… on a mat or other soft surface. Head movements while standing Stand with a chair in front of you and a wall … on a mat or other soft surface. Head movements while standing Stand with a chair in front of you and a wall …
Health topics
… . Yes Symptoms of STI No Symptoms of STI Do you have severe pelvic pain that started suddenly? Yes Sudden, severe pelvic pain No Sudden, severe pelvic pain Do you think that the symptoms may have been …
Health topics
… toy while cuddling. Provide gentle motion. Walk with or rock your baby. Use a baby swing (if you have one). Go for a …
Health topics
… periods. Take regular breaks to walk around and stretch. Standing with good posture The following tips may help you have good posture when you are standing. Keep your ear, shoulder, hip, and ankle in a line. Avoid locking your knees while standing. Try placing one foot on a low stool if you must …