329 results found
Health topics
… weight gain, or other conditions that stretch the pelvic floor muscles . When these muscles can't support your … of quitting for good. Stay at a healthy weight. Try simple pelvic-floor exercises like Kegel exercises . Go to the … that stays in your bladder after you urinate. X-rays or ultrasound . These are used to examine changes in the …
Health topics
… may include: Checking your weight and blood pressure. A pelvic examination . A Pap test (if you haven't had one recently). Ultrasound This may be used to confirm your pregnancy and … may include: Checking your weight and blood pressure. A pelvic examination . A Pap test (if you haven't had one …
Health topics
… advanced endometrial cancer include pain or a lump in the pelvic area and weight loss. How is it diagnosed? Your … history and do a physical examination. This will include a pelvic examination. Endometrial cancer is usually diagnosed … microscope. Other tests may include: A transvaginal pelvic ultrasound. This uses sound waves to create images of the …
Health topics
… are found during the second trimester during a routine ultrasound . Or it may be found when a person has vaginal … previa until they have bleeding at the start of labour. A pelvic examination will be avoided unless you need a C-section right away. A pelvic examination could injure the placenta and cause …
Health topics
… insulin, and other hormone levels. You may also have an ultrasound to look for cysts on your ovaries. How is PCOS … extra body hair and high blood pressure. This may include a pelvic examination. The doctor will also check your height … that could cause similar symptoms. You may also have a pelvic ultrasound to look for cysts on your ovaries. Your …
Health topics
… : bladder training, habit training, biofeedback, and pelvic muscle exercises . People who have incontinence due … are taught bladder-sphincter biofeedback methods along with pelvic floor exercises. During biofeedback, bladder, rectal … bladder and abdominal (belly) muscles and contract your pelvic floor muscles based on the information displayed. …
Health topics
… eggs. Ovarian cancer can occur in anyone who has female pelvic organs, even people who don't identify as female. … tests. One blood test is called CA-125. You may also get an ultrasound or CT scan. Based on the test result, you may … for ovarian cancer if a lump is found on an ovary during a pelvic examination or an ultrasound . You will likely also …
Health topics
… Your doctor will ask about your menstrual periods and do a pelvic examination . During the examination, your doctor … check for anemia, a bleeding disorder, or other problems. A pelvic ultrasound. This test can look for any problems in the …
Health topics
… abnormal vaginal discharge. How is it diagnosed? During a pelvic examination, you may be checked for cervical cancer … symptoms of advanced cervical cancer may include: Ongoing pelvic, leg, or back pain. Urinary problems because of a … tests, including blood tests and imaging tests, such as an ultrasound, a CT scan, or an MRI. Tests to confirm a …
Health topics
… and how much you have been bleeding. You may also have a pelvic examination , a urine test, blood tests, and possibly an ultrasound. Your doctor may also take a tiny sample ( biopsy … out serious health problems. These tests may include: A pelvic examination . A fluid sample from your cervix or …