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2951 results found
Health topics
… Your options Take an anticoagulant medicine to reduce the risk of stroke. Don't take an anticoagulant. An implanted … higher or lower than average based on your age and your own health. For example, your risk may be higher if you have … and don't take an anticoagulant, you might have a stroke. Personal stories about taking anticoagulants These stories …
Health topics
… over-the-counter diet aid to help you lose weight. Get to a healthy weight by eating right and exercising. Key points to … lose weight. A healthy weight is a weight that lowers your risk for health problems. For most people, body mass index … foods and get the right amount of physical activity. Personal stories about using over-the-counter diet aids …
Health topics
… Sickle Cell Disease On this page: Health Tools Cause Symptoms What Happens When to Call a … Treatment involves getting routine tests to monitor health, managing pain events (sickle cell crises) with … Some people need regular blood transfusions to lower the risk of stroke and to treat anemia and other problems. …
Health topics
… needles, can cause puncture wounds. These wounds raise your risk of infection because they are hard to clean and they … the sole of an athletic shoe. Some punctures are done for health reasons. For example, a needle puncture may be used … Male Female Female Why do we ask this question? The medical assessment of symptoms is based on the body parts you have. …
Health topics
… form and fill in the information if you are seeing this health professional for the first time. Although you may … I exercise each time? (for example, 10 minutes, 30 minutes) Personal preferences Do I have any cultural, religious, or … will be done and what to do to prepare for it What are the risks and benefits of medicine, surgery, or other treatment? …
Health topics
… have chosen to have both the affected breast and their healthy breast removed. Removing both breasts is called a … footnote 1 Bilateral mastectomy reduces only the risk of a new cancer in the breast. It doesn't reduce the … group. Your doctor can help you understand your own personal risk of a new cancer and the best way to manage …
Health topics
… Male Female Female Why do we ask this question? The medical assessment of symptoms is based on the body parts you have. … and older adults tend to get sicker quicker. Your overall health . If you have a condition such as diabetes, HIV, … the immune system like steroids or chemotherapy, or natural health products can cause symptoms or make them worse. …
Health topics
… Care needs will change over time. You'll work with health professionals to create a safe and comfortable … or driving to and from places they know well. Keeping up personal care such as grooming or bathing. Planning and … for Dementia or Alzheimer's Disease Mental Health Assessment Treatment Overview Medicines for dementia can …
Health topics
… Started Get Started These Interactive Tools are easy-to-use personal calculators. Use any of them to start learning more about your health. Health and Fitness Tools Do Your BMI and Waist Size Increase Your Health Risks? How Bad Are Your Urinary Symptoms From Benign …
Health topics
… physically active can help prevent and manage diabetes. Healthy eating and diabetes Healthy eating plays a key part in managing all types of … diabetes. Regular physical activity greatly reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in people of all body …