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3976 results found
Health topics
… , lupus , and rheumatoid arthritis . Talk to your doctor about any health problems you have. How will your doctor … asthma, or high blood pressure. Talk to your doctor about where he or she would like you to give birth. Your doctor may want you to have your baby in a …
Health topics
… A stiff neck. Vision problems. Hearing loss. Dizziness. Personality changes. Memory loss. In some cases, … A stiff neck. Vision problems. Hearing loss. Dizziness. Personality changes. Memory loss. In some cases, …
Health topics
… gland makes too much thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormone controls how your body uses energy, also called metabolism. … How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask questions about your past health and your symptoms and will do a … to use biofeedback, guided imagery, meditation, or other methods to relax. Use creams or ointments for irritated …
Health topics
… breathe in. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask you about your symptoms and do a physical examination. Your … doctor. Examinations and Tests Your doctor will ask you about your symptoms and do a physical examination. Your … If your cough keeps you awake at night, talk to your doctor about using cough medicine. You may need to go to the …
Health topics
… a medicine may be causing the ringing in your ears? Think about whether the symptoms started after you began using a … a medicine may be causing the ringing in your ears? Think about whether the symptoms started after you began using a …
Health topics
… have also occurred. Breast development is usually complete about 4 years after breast buds signal the start of puberty. … have also occurred. Breast development is usually complete about 4 years after breast buds signal the start of puberty. …
Health topics
… the toilet. They may feel weak and off-balance and worry about falling. Experts think frailty develops because of … the toilet. They may feel weak and off-balance and worry about falling. Experts think frailty develops because of …
Health topics
… attack Severe attack Peak expiratory flow 80% to 100% of personal best 50% to 79% of personal best Less than 50% of personal best Breathing Normal or slightly faster Faster …