3976 results found
Health topics
… is happening. Your past experience has taught you a lot about what helps you in tough situations. Think about how that can help you now. Use what you learned … helps you can be a source of strength and wisdom now. Think about what worked—and what didn't work—for you in the past. …
Health topics
… You and your partner receive information and education about sexual techniques. It is necessary to change any … you and your partner. Sex therapy may involve: Talking about the multiple causes of sexual problems and how … causes. Using a variety of psychological tests. Talking about the natural changes in sexual function that occur with …
Health topics
… skills to help you eat better and save money. Find out about meal planning, food budgeting, local food programs, … with special dietary needs. Meal planning Find information about meal planning and tips for grocery shopping: Meal … Healthy Choices When You Shop Meals and snacks ideas Learn about making healthy meals and snacks: Healthy snacks for …
Health topics
… Your world view Your world view is your basic beliefs about human nature, how the world works, and what life is about. It can cause stress when a long-held belief is … help you identify sources of stress that you hadn't thought about before. And it can help with long-term stress issues …
Health topics
… physical wellbeing will help you and your baby. Learn more about your health during pregnancy in this section. Finding out you're pregnant There is a lot to learn about pregnancy. You don't have to know everything right away. You will learn about each stage as your pregnancy goes on. Pregnancy …
Health topics
… care workers. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask you about the traumatic event. You'll also be asked about your symptoms, how long you've had them, and how they … disorder, you may: Have disturbing memories and dreams about the traumatic event. You may feel like you're reliving …
Health topics
… have a wearing effect on both the mind and the body. Think about getting treatment at a pain management clinic . You … Before having an invasive pain treatment, ask your doctor about his or her experience with that treatment. Also, ask about research that shows how well it works for your …
Health topics
… People around you may not notice anything different about your behaviour. You might do the things you normally … doing them. Many people who have blackouts aren't worried about them. They might remember feeling good but be unable … drive or operate any kind of machinery. Talk to your doctor about your blackouts. You might need to be tested for other …
Health topics
… your child build an emotional vocabulary. Teach your child about different emotions. This can help them become more … upset, acknowledge their feelings. Encourage them to talk about what is upsetting them. Allowing your child to talk about emotions can help them understand what they're …
Health topics
… in for an appointment. What questions or concerns do I have about my child that I want addressed during this … activity Do I need any written information or instructions about my child's care, such as growth and development … or bring the medicines with you to the appointment. Ask about normal growth and development milestones to look for …