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Health topics
… by atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and high blood pressure, traumatic injury to the chest, such as being … of the following may cause aortic dissection: High blood pressure. Most patients with an aortic dissection have had high blood pressure for many years. The high blood pressure …
Health topics
… including coronary artery disease, heart failure and high blood pressure, which is the most common. Each of these can … is safe and can improve: The health of your heart and blood vessels Physical fitness and function Quality of life … Toolkit consists of handouts on physical activity for high blood pressure (Topics F and G) and chronic heart failure …
Health topics
… and left: The right side of your heart receives oxygen-poor blood from your veins and pumps it to your lungs to take up … oxygen. The left side of your heart receives oxygen-rich blood from your lungs and pumps it through your arteries to … your body. Your heart has four separate chambers that pump blood—two on the right side and two on the left side: Right …
Health topics
… by the hepatitis B virus. It's spread through contact with blood and body fluids from an infected person. What are the … Yellow skin and eyes (jaundice). How is it diagnosed? A blood test can tell your doctor if you have the hepatitis B … during sex. Wear protective gloves if you have to touch blood. And don't share toothbrushes or razors. Health Tools …
Health topics
… widens narrowed arteries in the pelvis or legs. It can help blood flow better. This may decrease leg pain or help wounds … against the walls of the artery. This makes more room for blood to flow. The doctor may also put a stent in your … is used to open narrowed arteries and increase oxygen-rich blood flow to muscle and tissue. These images show …
Health topics
… tissues, or if you want to learn more, go to the Canadian Blood Services Organs and Tissues for Life web page … the organs. These include diabetes, uncontrolled high blood pressure, and cancer. If you are or may someday become … with possible recipients based on things such as tissue and blood type. What organs can you donate? Living donors can …
Health topics
… The transplant can use stem cells that come from your own blood or bone marrow. Or they can come from another person. … also have some that circulate from your marrow into your blood. Bone marrow stem cells turn into red blood cells , white blood cells , or platelets to help your …
Health topics
… When you have this problem, it takes longer for your blood to form clots, so you bleed for a longer time than … other people. Normally when a person starts to bleed, small blood cells called platelets go to the site of the bleeding. … stop the bleeding. If you have von Willebrand disease, your blood doesn't clot well. This happens because you don't have …
Health topics
… or leg artery bypass. This type of surgery redirects blood around a blocked blood vessel in your leg. So it may improve the blood flow in your leg. This can decrease leg pain, …
Health topics
… sickle cell disease? Sickle cell disease is a genetic red blood cell disorder. It changes normal, round red blood cells into cells shaped like crescent moons. Sickled cells can get stuck in blood vessels and block them, which stops oxygen from …