1160 results found
Health topics
… diagnosed? When you see a doctor about acne, you'll have a physical examination. Your doctor will ask you questions … after 3 months with home treatment. You start to have other physical symptoms, such as facial hair growth in women. You … and Tests When you see a doctor about acne, you'll have a physical examination. Your doctor will ask you questions …
Health topics
… Your doctor asks you about your medical history and does a physical examination. You may have tests, like a CT scan of … and cannabis. Being overweight. Not eating healthy foods. Physical inactivity. Risk factors you can't change include: … doctor will ask you about your medical history and do a physical examination. The examination results may be normal …
Health topics
… removal. Why do people have them done? For many of us, our physical appearance affects how we see ourselves and how … involves risk and expense. It can permanently change your physical appearance, possibly in a way you didn't expect. … surgery may be covered if it will improve your physical function or will correct a problem present from …
Health topics
… a younger age can affect a young person's general health, physical growth, emotional development, ability to make good … You plan to play sports or take part in dangerous physical activities. You're taking care of someone or … and anxiety. Get enough sleep . Sleep is important for your physical and emotional health. Sleep may help you stay …
Health topics
… doctor. Or your doctor may notice a lump during a routine physical examination or on an imaging test that you are … your doctor will ask about your medical history and do a physical examination. You may have tests, including: A blood … Try to eat your main meal early in the day. Get some physical activity every day, but don't get too tired. Keep …
Health topics
… may beat faster when you have an illness or a fever. Hard physical exercise usually speeds up your heart rate. This … faint No Feels faint Do you get short of breath during physical activity and have trouble getting your heartbeat … or stop. Yes Fast heart rate and shortness of breath during physical activity No Fast heart rate and shortness of breath …
Health topics
… become soaked with blood. Relax after surgery. Strenuous physical activity may increase bleeding. Eat soft foods such … become soaked with blood. Relax after surgery. Strenuous physical activity may increase bleeding. Eat soft foods such …
Health topics
… will ask about your symptoms and past health and do a physical examination. You'll have blood tests to check the … will ask about your symptoms and past health and do a physical examination. You'll have blood tests to check the …
Health topics
… Symptoms: Occur throughout each day. Severely limit daily physical activities. Nighttime symptoms occur often, … Symptoms: Occur throughout each day. Severely limit daily physical activities. Nighttime symptoms occur often, …
Health topics
… disease based on the child's symptoms and the results of a physical exam. If the doctor suspects that a child has the … disease based on the child's symptoms and the results of a physical exam. If the doctor suspects that a child has the …