1160 results found
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… Do you suspect that the injury may have been caused by abuse? This is a standard question that we ask in certain … bruises are often the first sign of possible abuse. Suspect physical abuse of a child or vulnerable adult when: Any … bruises are often the first sign of possible abuse. Suspect physical abuse of a child or vulnerable adult when: Any …
Health topics
… or fairly minor incidents. But over time, it can involve physical harm. This behaviour is very damaging, both physically and emotionally. It can include physical, verbal, or sexual abuse of an intimate partner ( domestic violence ), a child …
Health topics
… When You're Quitting Tobacco Date Rape Drugs Domestic Abuse Domestic Violence Domestic Violence: Checklist of … Non-Prescription Products for Weight Loss Nutrition and Physical Activity Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Premenstrual … Non-Prescription Products for Weight Loss Nutrition and Physical Activity Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Premenstrual …
Health topics
… them? When there's a problem in either the emotional or physical part of your life, you can have sexual problems. … about your sexual problem. Your doctor may also do a physical examination and order tests. How are female sexual … problems, fear, and a history of sexual or physical abuse. Being unhappy about your body can also be a cause. …
Health topics
… hour Do you suspect that the injury may have been caused by abuse? This is a standard question that we ask in certain … bruises are often the first sign of possible abuse. Suspect physical abuse of a child or vulnerable adult when: Any … bruises are often the first sign of possible abuse. Suspect physical abuse of a child or vulnerable adult when: Any …
Health topics
… hour Do you suspect that the injury may have been caused by abuse? This is a standard question that we ask in certain … bruises are often the first sign of possible abuse. Suspect physical abuse of a child or vulnerable adult when: Any … bruises are often the first sign of possible abuse. Suspect physical abuse of a child or vulnerable adult when: Any …
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… drugs. Have been through family violence, including sexual abuse. Have access to means of suicide, such as a gun or … divorce, or money problems. The diagnosis of a serious physical illness, such as cancer, or a new physical disability. Loss of independence. What are the …
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… disorder. Have been through family violence, including physical or sexual abuse. Misuse alcohol or drugs (substance use disorder). Are … divorce, or money problems. Being diagnosed with a serious physical illness, such as cancer or heart disease, or a new …
Health topics
… were considered negative, wrong, or "bad." Were sexually or physically abused as a child. Lost their mother or father during early … history of anxiety disorders. Or they may have a history of physical problems that have a psychological component. These …
Health topics
… Hydrocele Cryosurgery for Prostate Cancer Domestic Abuse Domestic Violence Domestic Violence: Checklist of … Penile Implants for Erection Problems Peyronie's Disease Physical Abuse Premature Ejaculation Prostate Cancer … Penile Implants for Erection Problems Peyronie's Disease Physical Abuse Premature Ejaculation Prostate Cancer …