2356 results found
Health topics
… for a few days after the surgery. Your dentist may give you pain medicine. Your dentist may also suggest that you eat … for a few days after the surgery. Your dentist may give you pain medicine. Your dentist may also suggest that you eat …
Health topics
… lump, which may be about the size of a pea, usually is not painful. Testicular cancer has a high cure rate. The … lump, which may be about the size of a pea, usually is not painful. Testicular cancer has a high cure rate. The …
Health topics
… open and close things, or walk. They can help when the pain and stiffness from osteoarthritis or rheumatoid … open and close things, or walk. They can help when the pain and stiffness from osteoarthritis or rheumatoid …
Health topics
… in the United States. Its poison is hidden in hollow spines among its hairs. This hairy caterpillar is found … of puss caterpillar contact may include: Immediate, intense pain that often comes in waves. A swelling, itching rash of … in the United States. Its poison is hidden in hollow spines among its hairs. This hairy caterpillar is found …
Health topics
… (flu). Or you may have a mild headache, mild fever, or backache. These minor symptoms generally don't cause … usually safe to take acetaminophen (Tylenol) for fever and pain. Follow these over-the-counter medicine precautions: Be safe …
Health topics
… syndrome include weakness, numbness and tingling, and pain in the ring finger, pinkie finger, or both. How can you … syndrome include weakness, numbness and tingling, and pain in the ring finger, pinkie finger, or both. How can you …
Health topics
… by your doctor . Use acetaminophen (Tylenol) to reduce pain or fever. Always check the label carefully so you …
Health topics
… the most important therapy program. Quitting smoking can slow damage to your lungs. Your rehab team can help you find … all, people find this breathing method helpful. Lie on your back, or prop yourself up on several pillows. With one hand on your belly and the other on your …
Health topics
… help you set goals and provide support in dealing with setbacks. Pat yourself on the back. Don't forget to give yourself some positive feedback. If you slip up, don't waste energy feeling bad about …
Health topics
… plan. A reminder of how well you've done will help you get back on track. Respect your new eating habits and not urge … come and support you when you're having a hard time following your eating plan. You and your buddy can talk about … come and support you when you're having a hard time following your eating plan. You and your buddy can talk about …