2356 results found
Health topics
… the jaw joints . They cause pain when you talk, chew, swallow, or yawn. You may also hear TMDs called TMJ or TM … help reduce grinding and clenching. Your doctor may suggest physiotherapy if your symptoms are related to muscle … for 15 minutes several times a day. You can try switching back and forth between moist heat and cold. Make eating easy …
Health topics
… you may need after you leave. This can include nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, or speech therapy. An … about leaving for your hospital stay and then coming back afterward. Find out what you'll have to do to get the … stay. When you need to see the doctor again and any follow-up tests you need. How and when to change bandages and …
Health topics
… is blocked or injured, these enzymes can leak out and cause pain and swelling. This may happen suddenly or over many … the upper belly. Pain may also spread to the middle of your back. Some people have other symptoms too, such as nausea, … If you have chronic pancreatitis, you will need to follow a low-fat diet and stop drinking alcohol. You may also …
Health topics
… can help bridge this gap to enhance their communication. Physiotherapy . The goal of physiotherapy is to make daily tasks and activities easier. … This happens because they usually burn calories more slowly than children who do not have Down syndrome. Also, …
Health topics
… of the head of the femur. It's caused by decreased blood flow to this area. An inward twisting of the thigh bone … a brace, cast, harness, or traction. It may also include physiotherapy and medicines. In some cases, surgery is … Your Appointment Animal and Human Bites Back Problems and Injuries Bruises and Blood Spots Under the …
Health topics
… kidneys are the structures that make up the urinary tract . Pain during urination (dysuria) and a frequent need to … is in it. Vitamin B supplements can turn urine bright yellow. Some medicines, blackberries, beets, rhubarb, and blood … rib cage and above the waist on one or both sides of the back. Vomiting. Discharge from the vagina. Sudden, new …
Health topics
… injury. You may have bumped your " funny bone " at the back of your elbow, causing shooting numbness and pain. The … having had a specific injury, especially if symptoms began slowly or during everyday activities. Elbow injuries occur … first aid and a brace, splint, or cast. It also may include physiotherapy and medicines. In some cases, surgery is …
Health topics
… of stress in their lives. This kind of headache may cause pain or a feeling of pressure all over your head. Sometimes … cause pain? Tension headaches can cause pain: In your upper back and neck. At the base of your head. Around your ears. … , hunger, and muscle strain. They may come on suddenly or slowly. Chronic tension headaches are headaches that keep …
Health topics
… good body mechanics all the time, not just when you have back pain. Keep your back in the neutral position—not too curved … techniques . Slumping or slouching alone may not cause low back pain. But after the back has been strained or …
Health topics
… take some time to recover. But treatment can help you get back some strength and mobility. What causes it? Most hip … you will most likely: Have severe pain in your hip or lower groin area. Not be able to walk or put any weight on … encourage you to take part in a rehab program that includes physiotherapy and occupational therapy. This will teach you: …