2356 results found
Health topics
… and can have numerous benefits including: Reduced joint pain and disease activity Improved range of motion and … health benefits of physical activity: osteoarthritis and low back pain (BMJ Learning, United Kingdom) This 30-minute …
Health topics
… endometriosis implants and scar tissue that may be causing pain or infertility. If an endometriosis cyst is found … bladder. Endometriosis pain that has continued or that came back after hormone therapy. Severe endometriosis pain. (Some … for a longer time, prevent an endometrioma from growing back, and prevent the need for another surgery. Risks …
Health topics
… for everyone. If it helps, move the front seat forward or backward. You can do this before or after you sit down, … around so that you're facing away from the car. Back up slowly until the backs of your legs touch the door frame. … door or headrest for support. They might move. Sit down slowly. slide 3 of 5 < Prev Next > slide 3 of 5, Sit …
Health topics
… are shin splints? Shin splints are a condition that causes pain and sometimes swelling in the front part of the lower leg (shin) . The pain is most likely from repeated … like running until you feel better, or at least cut back on how often and how long you run. As you recover, it …
Health topics
… Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) is stiffness, pain, and limited range of movement in your shoulder . The … hard to do and painful. The condition usually comes on slowly. And then it goes away slowly over the course of a … may also be used to reduce pain and swelling. And physiotherapy can help increase your range of motion. A …
Health topics
… a range of unusual positions of the foot. Each of the following characteristics may be present, and each may vary … the foot is more rigid or stiff, and the muscles at the back of the calf are very tight. X-rays may not be helpful … growing. If your child had surgery, he or she may also need physiotherapy . A mild recurrence of clubfoot is common, …
Health topics
… chemicals. Falls. Sex. A genital injury often causes severe pain that usually goes away quickly without causing … penis. Conditions that make it hard to pull the foreskin back from the head of the penis ( phimosis ) or that prevent … body. A skin cyst . A cyst that is filled with a soft, yellow substance called keratin may form beneath the outer …
Health topics
… people use yoga to help with a physical problem, such as back pain. In some cases, people with a health issue practice … have shown that yoga helps with back pain, especially low-back pain. It also seems to help with other types of …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Ice can help decrease pain, swelling, and inflammation that can result from injury … a day if it helps you. Osteoarthritis Physiotherapy Current as of: March 1, 2023 Author: … a day if it helps you. Osteoarthritis Physiotherapy Current as of: March 1, 2023 Author: …
Health topics
… electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a therapy that uses low-voltage electrical current for pain relief. You do TENS with a small hand-held device. … from osteoarthritis or fibromyalgia. It's also used for low back pain and neck pain. People have also used TENS to treat …